Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Supergirl Show Statue!

Thanks to all the pals and Supergirl fans who forwarded me this link:
This was also just dropped in the DC Solicits so I will cover this news there as well.

While there has been some merchandise for the Supergirl show appearing on the CBS Store site, we finally have a little geeky Supergirl stuff to look forward to!

DC Collectibles announced this 12.5-inch resin statue of Melissa Benoist as Supergirl. It just looks great. I love the pose, the gaze into the distance, the billowing cape. The statue will hit stores in May 2016, right around the end of the first season.

And it is a good thing I have 8 months to think about this because it is a hefty $130 bucks. This might be the time for me to start a layaway plan at the LCS, chipping $5 away now and then.

I don't think I can let this one slip by me. Expect to see it in my collection!


  1. News, hype, promo and FINALLY merchandise for the new TV series can't keep coming out.
    I was tickled pink at the ep previews of 2 and 3, and Helen Slater's spoiler of ep 5.
    Counting down till monday!

    ...and I'm trying to figure out _IF_ I got this gem, where I would put it... space constraints...


  2. ...whoops... "can't stop coming out"... my bad ;)

    Too excited to form coherent thoughts!


  3. Well, the gang at Big Bad Toy Store are offering this on pre-order FOR...$104.99. Am saving my change, but will not pre-order because it requires a credit card.

    Hopefully more will be offered like more poseable things.
