Monday, June 29, 2015

Darick Robertson Commission

Darick Robertson, artist on most famous for Transmetropolitan, The Boys, and Happy,  was in the area last week and had a signing at a local comic book store. As luck would have it, the signing occurred on a rare afternoon off.

A buddy and I headed to the store with a handful of issues to get signed and my sketch book. I had contacted Robertson ahead of time who said he did do commissions at store signings if time allowed. Luckily, and maybe because it was 3:30 on a Wednesday afternoon, there was absolutely no line. There was my buddy, another fan, and me.

As a result, I was able to obtain this fantastic commission of Supergirl, looking strong and determined while in the clouds. There is no doubt that this is a Robertson piece, the face is completely evocative of his style. Really just wonderful.

And since no one else was really there, my buddy and I got to chat with Robertson for a while. My buddy is a huge fan of Transmetropolitan and got to talk about specific issues. And we got a sneak peek at some upcoming projects which just look beautiful.

I am psyched to include this piece in my collection.

And I'll call this mini-event the beginning of my convention season.

Thanks again to Darick for doing the piece!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic Supergirl commission! Darick Robertson did a lovely job with Kara and the Matrix style costume. Thank you for sharing!
