Saturday, March 14, 2015

Supergirl Show: Malina Weissman Cast As Young Kara; Kara Danvers Sighting

There really aren't many roles left to be cast on the Supergirl show and there are even fewer after the announcement early this week that Malina Weissman has been cast as Young Kara. I first heard this on the Hollywood Reporter here:

So a young Kara has been cast. And we know Laura Benanti has been cast as Alura. My guess is that the Alura parts of the show will be done as flashbacks to Krypton. We'll see young Kara learning lessons about life, about the House of El, etc. These will impact the present day Earth-bound stories. Since we will be heading back to Krypton, I have to think that Helen Slater and Dean Cain will be Lara and Jor-El.

Weissman has some geek cred having played a young April O'Neil in the live action TMNT.

I don't know of any other major characters that are left to cast!


  1. Hollywood Reporter calls her role "a key role" in the CBS series, and the little beauty has her own personal teacher ON SET, which means she´ll be there a lot. Yes, remembering Argo with Laura Benanti, yes, doing her Midvale Orphanage (I hope) bit, yes, cavorting thru space and back (I´d be delighted).-
    I think Mr. Berlanti intends to do a lot thru her including a key word: SUBTEXT... which opens up an infinite amount of possibilities.

    As for Cain & Slater their roles are defined as GUEST so far, which I think translates into "If we climb quickly into 9 mm. viewers, we´ll double the budget & make them both regulars".-

    Both will charge CBS thru the nose, I think. I´d be content with 3-4 chapters in season one.

  2. Good Lord what a mournful expression on that kid's mug....


  3. YES! Flashbacks are the way ahead! No holomoms!
