Saturday, November 1, 2014

Mike Maihack's Supergirl/Batgirl Halloween Comic

One of my favorite things in the world is Mike Maihack's Batgirl/Supergirl comics. They are absolutely a treat mixing in the sensibilities of the super-family and the bat-family while being lighthearted and fun. And lucky for us, Maihack has put together another one just in time for Halloween.

What I like about Maihack's Batgirl is that she puts on the airs of the grim and gritty Bat-family but clearly has a warm heart. And what I love about his Supergirl is that she has a wonderful joie de vivre which permeates everything she does. In this strip we see all of that.

Supergirl, garbed in a Halloween version of the super-suit, is trick-or-treating with Streaky while Batgirl pummels the Scarecrow.

But Batgirl is so overwhelmed by the cuteness of Streaky in a Bat outfit that she pauses the fight to give Supergirl candy.  (The wide-eyed Kara in panel four, hopeful for candy, is so perfect.)

And I love that Kara has a variety of outfits for Streaky to optimize maximum candy from the person she is visiting.

I would read this if it was a monthly. Take my money DC!

As always, visit Maihack's site for more news, comics, and his great Cleopatra in Space books:


  1. Its hilarious to me that so often the Legacy Females are depicted as being Best Pals and mutually supportive even as their older male avatars are at each other's throats. After all the next big DC movie is Batman VERSUS Superman whereas the latest multimedia Legacy Female vehicle was "Super Best Friends Forever".

    Makes ya think don't it?

  2. I know.

    Batman and Superman haven't been World's Finest in about 20 years.

  3. DC really needs to bring back the Barbara and Kara pairing. It worked in the silver and bronze age, in the animated series, in SBFF, and this. DC: give the people what they want. No one is asking for a gloomy, loner Kara.

  4. I want Batgirl to appear on Supergirl's upcoming show!

  5. This needs to be a thing. Why isn't this a THING?!

  6. AAAAAAUGH!! How could I have missed this --

    Was offered last month. Hope there's enough demand for it to be reoffered again sometime in the future.

    And I can't wipe off a HUUUUUUUGE grin at panel 4's wide-eyed, "Me Too!" Kara off my face...


  7. "Its hilarious to me that so often the Legacy Females are depicted as being Best Pals and mutually supportive even as their older male avatars are at each other's throats. After all the next big DC movie is Batman VERSUS Superman whereas the latest multimedia Legacy Female vehicle was "Super Best Friends Forever".

    Makes ya think don't it?"


    And "DC Super Hero Girls" and -hopefully- Batgirl Rebirth keep the trend going. Kara and Babs/Steph must be best friends!
