Wednesday, November 19, 2014

February Is Harley Quinn Month

I'll be covering all of the February solicits soon. But I thought I would cover the variant cover theme now.

There seems no end to these monthly themes. In February, DC is taking advantage of one of its hottest properties ... Harley Quinn. And why shouldn't they? The Palmiotti/Conner Harley Quinn book is selling like hotcakes. They should plaster her on everything.

Here is a link to Newsarama's cover coverage which includes links to CBR, IGN, and Comic Vine:

One thing I am thrilled about with this recent trend of variant themes, is that Supergirl finally is being included. She missed out on Monster month, Batman month, and who knows how many more.

But we have had the Lego cover, the Cooke cover, and now this.

Here is the variant cover of Supergirl #39 which has Supergirl carrying Quinn. It is done by Joe Benitez who has done some issues of the last incarnation of Kara. I think Supergirl's slightly annoyed expression works well with the insane look on Harley's face.

Here is the variant cover of Justice League United #9 by Mikel Janin.

I have to admit I like this one better. Janin's work has always impressed me. There is something more mischievous about this Harley. And I love the 'poster' of the JLU behind her. I would want to see that picture. So to have her deface it actually works.

Plus, I have always wanted to see Janin's take on Supergirl.

I have love hate relationships with variants. But I might have to get these too!


  1. I so far have all the variants of JLU except the Bombshell variant which I missed.

    Both covers look great.

  2. Did you see/hear about this?
