Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Supergirl #38 Flash Variant

After something of a dry spell, Supergirl is getting the benefit of variant covers.

In honor of the Flash's 75th anniversary, the January DC books will sport a Flash based variant cover. And they covers are based on classic DC covers albeit with a Flash upgrade, like this cover of Supergirl #38. I'll be covering all the January solicits tomorrow but today is all about the variants.

Here is a link to Newsarama's coverage:

Supergirl #38 is a riff on Supergirl's first appearance in Action Comics #252. The art is by Michael Avon Oeming. And it is amusing to see the Flash interrupt the cousins from meeting.

They are all worth seeing and trying to figure out what the base cover is. But I thought I would share two.

This is Action Comics #38 by Dave Johnson. And this is based on ...

Neal Adams' Action Comics #485 (which is a riff on the more famous Superman #233).

And Harley Quinn #14 by Bruce Timm which is based on ...

Bruce Timm's Mad Love special.

I hope these are of the 50/50 variety of variants so I don't need to shell out major dough and reserve copies.

I wonder/hope if there will be Supergirl based variants when her TV show hits the small screen.


  1. I think the tv show may already affected the comics, did you see the new costume (ala Man of Steel) ?

  2. So why no love for Jay Garrick on the covers? He is technically the Flash celebrating 75 years, not Barry Allen.

  3. True, it's Jay Garrick's (Earth-2 Flash)anniversary, not Barry Allen's (Earth-1 Flash) anniversary.

  4. > I wonder/hope if there will be Supergirl based variants when her TV show hits the small screen.

    Seconded emphatically. I can't recall the last time DC did something special for Supergirl except the previous
    incarnation of Supergirl issue #50 and the mini-story contribution by Helen Slater... c'mon DC, is it alittle
    too much to ask to show your love for this character once in awhile?


  5. I suppose that the Barry Allen TV show does impact which Flash is seen in these covers.

  6. I love how DC editors and artists never lose a chance to show Superman with his classic costume on covers. Red pants included!
