Monday, September 8, 2014

Boston Comic Con Recap #4: Daniel Govar Commission

The Boston Comicon is now a month ago, a fair distance in the rear view mirror. And so here is my last look back at the event.

First off, here is the fourth commission I got at the con, a wonderful Supergirl from Daniel Govar.

I have looked at Govar's stuff for many years at local conventions and have been amazed at his stuff. His work just looks like classic prints in ancient books, like the picture on a page in an old tome in a monastery somewhere. I knew he would produce something fantastic.

I think this commission is fantastic. It is beautiful Kara floating in a stormy sky. There is something about the flow of her hair and cape that is wonderful. The depth, the background, the pose ... all superb!

But in some ways I think I messed up. Looking at this, I really think I should have bit the bullet and had Govar do Supergirl with her flame wings! Maybe another day.

As for the rest of the con, I had such a good time. I was able to meet people I know from social media, meet creators whose work I love, and grab some cool books to read. I am thrilled that this con exists and keeps growing.

Now, onto granitecon !

1 comment:

  1. That's another fantastic commission!

    I'll be heading to Granitcon next week. Do you know when you're going?
