Monday, August 25, 2014

Boston Comic Con Recap #2: Chris Burnham Commission

Boston Comic Con is slowly receding in the rear view mirror but I will be beating the drum for three more weeks, sharing commissions and stories from the con. Expect 'commission Monday' through the first weeks of September.

As I mentioned in the last post about the con, I felt pretty lucky to get commissions from the creators I was aiming for.

Here is the commission from Chris Burnham, a really beautiful full color action shot.

I loved Burnham's style on Batman Inc. as it reminds me of Frank Quitely while maintaining its own original feel. Everything about this commission works, from the confident expression on the face to the effortless feel to her hoisting this meteor, to the shadings of the colors to add depth, the that one wisp of hair blowing in front of the left arm while the rest flies behind. I even like the crumbs of the meteor falling away, adding some gravity and direction to the piece. Just lovely.

As a bonus, I scanned my Marcio Takara commission to Takara who then colored it and posted it on Twitter. Just beauutiful! Takara is going to NYCC and has opened up his commission list. Anyone going there should head to his table!

As for the con, I mentioned that it has grown over the years that I have been going. And nothing shows that more than coverage from Bleeding Cool. The place was mobbed and lines were long so I am not surprised ... but sort of disappointed ... to hear the rumor that it might have to move to the Boston Convention Center next year. I really loved the Seaport location. Of course bigger and busier usually means better future cons. Would love to see the con grow big enough to get more creators ... more writers ... and maybe a Marvel or DC booth next year.


  1. That Burnham is totally cool with the giant arrested meteor action, and Takara's coloring is lovely! These are gets, so congrats!

  2. Wow, that Burnham commission is incredible! I wanted so badly to attend this year's Boston Con but couldn't swing it. I, too, would love for it to stay at the Seaport location, but if it has to move because it's bigger, well, that's not such a bad reason.

    Anyway, both of those commissions--Burnham and Takara--are awesome. Very nice job!

  3. Thanks!

    I think this one is special too.

    And I still have two more to show!
