Saturday, May 3, 2014

Free Comic Book Day 2014 - Amended

You think that I would remember that the first Saturday in May is Free Comic Book Day. You think that I would remember to block it off on my schedule so that I don't have to work. But, I am afraid, I forgot. And as a result, I am working while everyone else should be out at comic book stores and enjoying the festivities.

[AMENDMENT: As I am driving into work, my wife called and said she remembered it was FCBD and that she was going to bring the supergirls early in the day. She told me to text her the comics I wanted and she would grab them. That is why she is super-wife, the love of my life!]

Here is the main website for the day:

If I had the day off, these are the books I would try to grab. I am hoping if I call my LCS they'll put them aside for me. But we'll see.

The New 52 Futures End
(W) Brian Azzarello & Various (A) Ethan Van (CA) Ryan Sook
Jump on board DC Comics' epic weekly series beginning with this all-new FCBD issue that features tomorrow's Dark Knight, Batman Beyond (making his first appearance in The New 52), battling an army of cyborgs to avert an Apocalypse in the future which could destroy the DC Universe of the present! But that's not all; there are still more surprises to come. Stay tuned for more details! 

I doubt I am going to get this weekly as I am sick to death of bleak dystopian futures and killing heroes. It is like DC has one idea ... dark and depressing ... and just keep throwing different versions at us. I suppose, for free, I would grab the zero issue. But my guess is it would make me sad.

Atomic Robo
(W) Brian Clevinger, Jay P. Fosgitt (A) Jay P. Fosgitt, Scott Wegener (CA) Scott Wegener
Unanimously heralded by fans, creators, retailers and critics as the perfect first comic to give to a non-comic-reader. ATOMIC ROBO has defeated the greatest foes of the last century, but his latest discovery has reduced him to a mere play thing for the Yonkers Devil. Plus, an all-new adventure from mischievously-lovable BODIE TROLL and previews of 2014 Red 5 favorites and new faces. 

On the other end of the spectrum is Atomic Robo. I have been on board with Robo since the first volume in 2007. And I have grabbed all the FCBD issues.

Robo is just a wonderful comic, fun and exciting, science adventure-y, and all ages. It is the perfect palate cleanser for all the awfulness that DC gives us.

If I could get only one, it would be this one.

Rocket Raccoon
(W) Joe Caramagna (A) Adam Archer (CA) Ron Lim, Richard Isanove
Spotlighting Marvel's BIGGEST star! No, we're not talking about Iron Man! Not Captain America! Not Thor! It's Rocket Raccoon! The madcap mammal takes on the cosmos in an all-new FREE COMIC BOOK DAY adventure! 

How do I know that Marvel has won? I look to my oldest daughter. She loves the Marvel movies. Captain America is her favorite movie of all time. She watches Agents of SHIELD. She saw the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer and loves 'the Raccoon'. And I will probably get her the Skottie Young Rocket Raccoon monthly book when it comes out. So why not jump on board early and grab her the FCBD book. 

Love the cover.

I do like that this day has grown to be a big festival. I love seeing that creators will be hitting stores and interacting with the fans. 

I am sad I won't be able to join in. So tell me your stories!


  1. I love post-apocalyptic future stories. They never actually come to pass so I enjoy the mayhem and eerie setting of a mostly empty worldspace. With that said I can't say whether or not I'll be in for Futures End for the long haul because I don't know if I can keep up with a weekly for various reasons. This makes me want to try, though.

  2. I mail order my comics, and they let me pick something like 5 FCBD books to receive. I'm confident I chose Atomic Robo as one of them. Probably passed on the other two, as that Mouseguard hardcover probably cost me extra points.

  3. We don't get a choice of comics, it's what's been put in the bag. So I had to go back to make sure I had a Futures End (thoughts on the blog, only just noticed the lack of apostrophe so it must be plural futures,a pother timelines getting nipped in the bud - or poor punctuation).

    And very well done to Mrs Anj!

  4. I was part of the FCBD event at The Rock Shop at the Mall of Georgia. It was a lot of fun. Great crowds and lots of kids, which is always nice.

    If you're interested, I posted a write up of the event (with photos) at
    Direct link:

  5. I have yet to go to a brick-and-mortor FCBD, but someday I will. Hey, I'm all grown up, and I think that Rocket Racoon cover looks awesome, too. I'd read that!! I need something to counteract the DC Doldrums.
