Saturday, September 21, 2013

Granite State Comic-Con

Next week at this time, I will be heading up the highway to Manchester New Hampshire for the Granite State Comicon, one of my favorite local conventions, and one (like the Boston Comic-Con) that seems to be growing each year. Here is the link:

This used to be the con I would head to so I could buy tons of comics. The mission was always to thumb through dealers boxes and buy and buy and buy.

But each year more and more artists are coming and this turns into another convention where I am trying to line up commissions! And there are a couple of great ones coming ... so we'll see if I get lucky.

Aaron Kuder is going to be there. Kuder will be taking over Action Comics as artist soon, joining writer Greg Pak. But I have liked his art style on Legion Lost, Lobdell's Superman and Green Lantern New Guardians.

After seeing his rendition of Wonder Woman, Dawnstar, and Yera, I think his Supergirl would be great.

A Kuder commission is my number one goal for this con.

Jeremy Haun will also be attending. Haun is best known for his work on The Darkness but he also was recently named as the artist on Batwoman once JH Williams time is done.

So Haun is also someone I will be hoping to grab a commission from as well.

And Art Baltazar, of Tiny Titans and Superman Family Adventures will also be there. I loved both of those books, especially the love that they showed Supergirl. I met Franco Aureliani at the Boston show a couple of years ago.

I would love to get a Baltazar commission. The dream would be a page that had both the Tiny Titans and the Superman Family Adventures version on the same page.

So those are my top three commission hopes.

But in case some of those don't happen, there are plenty of other creators who grab my attention.

JK Woodward, who was the artist on most of the IDW Fallen Angel series, and did the series in paint (!) will be there.

I consider Lee as some sort of Elseworlds Supergirl so I will at least have some issues for him to sign.

Renae DeLiz will also be there. DeLiz is the guiding creative force behind the Womanthology projects and is currently doing a Kickstarter Peter Pan book. A while back she posted pictures of an Amethyst reboot she wanted to do. Now that is a book I would buy!

I don't know if DeLiz does convention commissions but it can't hurt to ask.

And Ethan Van Sciver will also be there. I already have a couple of Van Sciver commissions, so I doubt I will get another, but he would be a premier artist for someone else to pick up!

The list goes on - Rebekah Isaacs, Joe Eisma, Mark Texeira, Dan Parent ... etc. And I haven't even mentioned the My Little Pony group - Katie Cook, Andy Price, and Amy Mebberson.

Anyways, this will be a busy con for me and that is a good thing.

Anyone else going?


  1. I don't have a Mark Texeira, and he's on my lifetime top list, so that would be my priority. Other artists I'd zero in on would be Aaron Kuder, Renae DeLiz, Rebekah Isaacs and Dan Parent. J.K. Woodward's graytones look pricey, but I'd certainly want a quote. Katie Cook, Andy Price, Amy Mebberson are too cutesy for me. I've got an Ethan Van Sciver, and his popularity and pricing would probably be prohibitive for a second round. I have zero emotional response to Joe Eisma or Jeremy Haun, perpetual bridesmaids.

  2. I have been doing this long enough to have a Texeira, Parent, and Van Sciver. (Although I would love to see a Parent M'Gann.)

    I would love a DeLiz and others have told me to zero in on Isaacs.

    I do like Haun though.

  3. Aaron Kuder Satan Girl would be the bomb. Yes, I'm old.

    You could see using "zeroing in on Rebekah Isaacs" euphemistically with a wink and elbow nudge, cuz' she pretty. As an art geek though, I'd be more concerned with getting her to do something Walt Simonson-y. I like her more abstract and ornate stuff.

    I'd get Parent to do Patrolwoman Diane Meade, or J'Onn himself to take it out of his wheelhouse. Ooo, cute Archie style Malefic with all the piercings and chains! Yes, that!
