Saturday, September 7, 2013

Boston Commission #6: Cully Hamner

Here is the last commission I got at last month's Boston Comic Con, a great Supergirl by Cully Hamner.

Mid-morning on the second day of the con, I thought I was done getting commissions. But I was still flush with cash since the bulk of my prior commissions were excellent deals. So I thought I would see if I could grab one more.

Cully Hamner had been on a short list of artists I was interested in when the convention was announced. With little time left in the con I went to his table and was surprised to find there was still some room on his commission list. Just under the clock, I was able to grab this bust shot of Supergirl.

I like Hamner's style (enjoying it on his Renee Montoya Question, Down, Red, Action Comics, etc) and this commission really showcases it. I love the serious expression and angular hair. Add in several colors and highlights and you have a winning piece. There is a depth here that I don't often see in commissions.

And so, that wraps up the Boston Comic Con. This convention continues to grow and this was a spectacular show. I loved the new venue and the fact that companies and writers are now part of the draw. The con dates have been announced for next year, again in August, again at the SeaPort, and now with a Friday night opening! It will be hard to match this year's haul though!


  1. Another great get, Anj. I'm jealous of your total haul. I should have been more bold about getting prices from some of the creators I admire; I might have been able to find good deals for Black Canary sketches.

  2. I thought I read you keep these in a book, do you have an framed pieces in your nerd/geek cave. I saw some photos of a guys that looked very sophisticated using black and white pencil/ink drawings that they had matted and framed.

    Still sad I couldn't make it to mine, was really hoping. After seeing the great commissions you got I was going to try to get a few of my own.

  3. Wonderful commission of Supergirl. I agree one of the great features of this art is Kara's serious expression. Hamner's dash of color really adds to the volume of Supergirl's hair style too. His expression for Kara reminds me of Helen Slater! :) The serious and heroic expression in the art echoes Helen's facial expression as she demands of Selena at the amusement park: "Who are you?" Very strong moment in the film!

  4. Thanks for the comments.

    Count, are you thinking of getting any at GraniteCon? Definitely some good choices there.

    Wade, I started out getting them on seperate paper and filled up a wall in my man-cave. When I ran out of room, I moved to the sketch book. I should post a pick of the wall at some point.

    And yes John, the Hamner commission expression is so interesting. Makes it stand out in my collection a bit.

  5. I'd like to, but I'll need to take a look at the guest list again. Right now I only remember Ethan Van Sciver is attending.
