Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Women Of Legend Trading Cards

I cringed a bit when Cryptozoic released Superman:The Legend cards, knowing full well that those cards would be a money-losing impulse buy every time I went to the comic book store. And like most self-fulfilling prophecies it has come true. (I have 4 Morgan Edges and no Supergirl cards!!!)

And now, to make matters worse, coming out in the third quarter of 2013, Cryptozoic is releasing The Women of Legend trading cards. Here is the link to their official page:

And some of the information:
Packs: 5 Cards per pack, 24 packs per box
MSRP: $3.50 per pack
Base Set: 63 card base set featuring all-new original art
Chase Sets: Katie Cook Sticker Collection, Legendary Ladies foil cards (both 2:24), and Totally Fabricated costume cards (insert ratio to be determined)
Inserts: Sketch cards (1:24 packs)

My guess is I will be buying these as much as the Superman ones.

Here is the 'title card' by Ryan Odagawa showcasing a number of DC's most famous women.

It is very nice and I am happy that Supergirl is displayed so prominently on the card.

So looks like Cryptozoic will be taking more of my money very soon.

1 comment:

  1. One word: eBay. You can pick up a complete set of Superman: The Legend base cards for about $5 plus shipping. You'd save a fortune over buying individual packs... unless you were desperately trying to get one of those 1 in 24 artcards! :)
