Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Supergirl Comic Box Commentary Is Five Years Old

Like a dim-witted husband on a situation comedy, I forgot my own anniversary!

It was a little over five years ago that I started this blog as a site for all things Supergirl and it is hard for me to believe that I am still going strong.

Five years!!

I had no idea what I was doing when I started here and maybe I still don't. But I am having fun and I have made a bunch of friends. And that makes me happy.

As I have said many times before, I truly appreciate the folks who come here and comment. I love the discussion that happens on the site. And I love the palpable proof that others out there love Supergirl as much as I do. It is the community here that keeps me typing away. In many ways this is an anniversary for all of us! So raise a glass!

It has been an interesting year for Supergirl in comics. She has been settling in since the New 52 reboot. Over the year in Supergirl we saw Mike Johnson guide Kara onto a path of accepting Earth as her new home and defending it when needed. The mystery behind her origin, the tragic way her family sent her to Earth, so different from Superman's, was revealed. And she seemed ready to start the hero's journey.

And then H'El on Earth happened.

I won't reiterate my thoughts on that arc.

Outside of her own title, we also got a wonderful year of silliness and a more classic Superman feel in the all-ages Superman Family Adventures. We know that very soon she will be showing up in Smallville. And next month is the beginning of the Michael Alan Nelson era on the main book.

Anyways, I don't have any plans of slowing down. So on to the next year! Thanks again to everyone who comes here and joins in the conversation. Thanks to the creators who occasionally stop by and post.

Hope next year is a great one for Kara!


  1. You forgot your anniversary? No wonder Kara is crying ... but she'd forgive you, for looking after her interests so well.

    I do love this website, congratulations, Anj, and thanks!

  2. I love your blog. I look forward to your posts each day! Congrats on your longevity and continued success. Supergirl Lovers always!

  3. This is my "Supergirl Home" on line where I can interact with sane fans of the feature...I am eternally grateful to Our Host for his commentary and advocacy on behalf of Kara Zor El, together we've made a difference before and we can make a difference once again!


  4. Congratulations on five years of blogging on our favorite heroine!
    -- DW

  5. Through thick and thin, through good times and bad, the Supergirl Comic Box Commentary has always been there for Kara's fans who come from everywhere. Long may this blog prosper.

  6. Congrats dude, love the blog hope it goes strong for many years to come!

  7. Congrats on your milestone! I enjoy your reviews a bunch, even when I don't always agree as it always stimulates new points of view. Plus it helps keep up to date on titles I can't get. :) Keep it up!

  8. Great job Anj! It's tough to keep blogging with such frequency and still keep the quality so high. I also marvel (no pun intended) at your ability to stick with the mostly terrible Nu52 Super Titles.

  9. Thanks so much for all the well wishes!

  10. You are a smart, lovely person and I love reading your thoughts. Congrats!


  11. MAZEL TOV, Anj! Wishing you many more anniversaries in the nearfuture!

  12. How do you say "congratulations" in Kryptonian, anyway?

  13. Happy Birthday to your great blog, dedicated to this wonderful character ! Rendez-vous for the ten years anniversary ! :D

  14. Happy Belated Birthday to your Superblog, Ani.

    By the way, I had a Supergirl dream. I was watching an animated Supergirl movie. In it, Supergirl's family was battling a version of Brainaic. Supergirl's mother wanted to kill Brainaicc, but to prevent Brainiac from killing her mother, Supergirl gets kill.

    She is turned into some pink light and moves to another what I consider another family changing their baby that coming out into a girl.

    See ya,Anj:
    Dr. Thinker

  15. Thanks everyone!

    That is one crazy dream Dr Thinker!

  16. Belated Happy 5th Birthday Anj! :)

  17. Congratulations. It is a really excellent site.

  18. This is a great website and lot's of congratulations from a new Supergirl-fan!
