Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mayfair Supergirl Pages

Last month, I reviewed the Superman vs. Shazam trade paperback which showcased a heroic and determined Supergirl. I miss that sort of characterization in Supergirl. We had just recaptured it in the last incarnation only to have it slip through our fingers with the New 52. Suddenly Supergirl was isolated again.

With classic Supergirl characterization on my mind, I thought I would look back at the Mayfair DC Heroes role playing game character guide to read how they described Kara. Sadly, this book was published post-Crisis (hence the sad last paragraph in the Background section).

I think this book actually does a very good job in explaining Supergirl's character. I feel like I should mail this to Dan Didio and Eddie Berganza. It's a starting point at least.

Here are the sections on Psychology and Role-Playing, both of which stuck out as great examples of who Kara is.

So, for the people who think Supergirl is some innocent naive girl this says outright that she matured from a 'bubbly cheerful teem to an affable, yet determined young woman'.

She 'Upholds the Good'. Her determination is second to none. When aroused her ferocity is incredible. That is exactly Supergirl, doing what's right but becoming a fearsome fighter when provoked.

But she also is more optimistic, even more than Superman! She believes in the inherent good of the world.

This is the Supergirl I miss most of all.

And then a bit of role-playing advice so you can understand the character even better.

She is a formidable combatant and rarely caught off-guard.

But she is also easy-going and likeable with many friends and acquaintances.

To everyone at DC, this is a pretty good foundation to think about the Supergirl character!


  1. Come on DC, give the New 52 that headband!

  2. It makes sense to drop in a Captain Marvel reference, since he suffers the same problem. He's innocent and virtuous, not developmentally challenged. “Doc” Shaner explained it best. Kara started out as a sweet girl, and became a strong young woman. They keep trying to make her edgy like Kon-El, but she shouldn't act like a guy with Lex Luthor in his genes any more than she should be a bimbo who lets Lex in her jeans. The simplest way I can sum it up is that she's your big sister who loves and watches out for you, but maybe makes more mistakes and isn't as overbearing as big pappy Superman.



  4. Thanks for all the comments!

    They keep trying to make her edgy like Kon-El, but she shouldn't act like a guy with Lex Luthor in his genes any more than she should be a bimbo who lets Lex in her jeans. The simplest way I can sum it up is that she's your big sister who loves and watches out for you, but maybe makes more mistakes and isn't as overbearing as big pappy Superman.

    She is trying to become a hero, trying to do what's right, but just not as polished as Kal.

    I hate that everyone seems to be edgy these days. I am not against edgy heroes ... just not 100% of the time.

  5. DC can no longer sustain this version of the character, they believe her to be unprofitable and "uncool" and so thus a strong capable, beautiful young female hero is left to languish. I am not even sure the writers exist anymore that would understand the BA SG let alone be able to write to that character's strength.

