Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Marathon Explosion

Earlier this week I was in a spirited conversation debating the new origin of Superboy.

Two nights ago I was thumbing through DC's Who's Who to help out a friend writing a story.

This morning I was organizing my backpack for the upcoming Boston Comic Con.

Today 2 bombs went off at the end of the Boston Marathon and one at the JFK Library, killing at least 2 people and injuring dozens. And I feel the way I felt on 9/11.

I am exhausted with this world right now.

I have to remind myself that comics are the fun part of my life.


  1. Everyone in Boston will be in my prayers tonight.

    Give everyone you can a hug or a kiss tonight.

  2. So are you still gonna go to the Boston Comic Con or are you gonna hold it until the chaos dies down? 'Cause I would really recommend the latter. I wouldn't be surprised to find that they canceled the Comic Con.

  3. I'm glad you're okay Anj. It's terrible that this kind of things happens (it doesn't matter what kind of problems people can have with a country or whatever, life is life). I understand a little how you feel, but yes, you have to remind yourself that life can also be fun.

    Hug your family and enjoy life, and maybe it's dumb and cheesy but I'll leave here one of my favorite quotes ever:

    "Nothing in the world is the way it ought to be. It's harsh, and cruel. But that's why there's us - champions. Doesn't matter where we come from, what we've done or suffered, or even if we make a difference. We live as though the world is as it should be, to show it what it can be."

    Take care.

  4. Very, very glad to hear you're okay.

  5. Hello.. it is always difficult to find the right words in these kinds of circumstances, because no word is right in fact. We have eard it yesterday evening, and we are very sad and disgusted. We share your pain, and are with you with our minds. I know that it is not a consolation, or something useful at the moment, but you must know it we stand together. Take care, eventually take a rest, but don't let that horror break your own balance, it would make the bad guys win, and this is not acceptable. We're sorry, once again.

  6. Thanks everybody.

    I just felt weary yesterday.

    I have decided the best thing to do is continue to do the stuff I usually do, persevere while keeping the prayers going.
