Saturday, November 10, 2012

Justice League Of America Variant Covers

I read with some disbelief that DC plans to have 52 variant covers for the first issue of the upcoming Justice League of America title. Then I heard the plan was to have the covers display the state flags including Puerto Rico and the District of Colombia. And I was glad to hear that retailers can simply order the variants they want, that they aren't based on ordering a certain number of the main cover.

Here is the story from the DC Source blog:

But then I saw this story on Bleeding Cool:

And I will freely admit I decided to plagiarize the idea. I mean, why wouldn't I want to see DC heroes hoist the Supergirl Comic Box Commentary flag!

I freely admit I have almost no imaging capabilities at all. This was cobbled together using Paint, Snag-It, Power Point, and Word. I mean, seriously ... they only thing I didn't use was papyrus and a stylus! Anyways, as a novice attempt I am pretty happy with the outcome.

I think all DC character blogs should make similar (and hopefully more technically slick) versions of the cover.


  1. I do wish Supergirl was on this team. It could use another power player, and I'd be happy to trade Stargirl out.

  2. Great idea for some fun bloggery - beyond me, I fear!

  3. Anj, thank you for my JLA variant!
