Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Supergirl #0 Preview

Well, Supergirl #0 is coming out tomorrow but for people who can't wait and want a little taste, DC's Source blog has posted a preview. Here is the link: http://www.dccomics.com/galleries/supergirl-0-preview

 This is only the first 5 pages but there are some major bombshells already. Definitely worth checking out. But here were the two things that already grabbed me.

 As I hypothesized way back here Zor-El was part of the World Killer project and Kara was an occupant in that empty 5th tube. Moreover, Zor is lying to Kara telling her he is only 'gene scanning' her when he is obviously doing more. And Kara has no recollection of what he is doing. She doesn't even remember being put in the tube.

It is creepy and a bit obsessed. But it is clear he loves his daughter willing to do most anything for her. I suppose these 'experiments could explain the mutated power set she had. He may have augmented her.

 And we see Kara playing with her little cousin Kal.

Jor-El talks about the rift between he and his brother, a rift formed because of Zor-El's 'experiments', experiments Zor has earlier admitted to Kara 'push boundaries'. So maybe it isn't cloning (which we know is illegal on Kara) but gene enhancement?

It does make me wonder if Jor-El might be a better candidate for 'Who Shot Zor-El?' than I initially thought. Back here I said 'no way'. Maybe I should reconsider.

So I suppose I should wait to read the entire issue. But if Kara is somehow 'enhanced', does it make her something of a Matrix?


  1. I worry J & G are going to take Kara down a dark path especially after seeing the solicits these past couple of months where it concerns the H'El story lines.

    I don't like seeing DC taking the dark path so often these days.

  2. I dunno my "Matrix 2.0" thesis is officially back in play....And Zor v. Jor? Seen it already...on Smallville come to think of it the book is starting to feel a lot like "Smallville" in scope and tone...


  3. I don't like seeing DC taking the dark path so often these days.

    It will be interesting to see just how 'dark' this comic gets Val. Other stuff in the preview makes me think Kara was even a bit isolated on Krypton. Of course this means if she becomes a hero it is an even bigger accomplishment.

  4. I dunno my "Matrix 2.0" thesis is officially back in play....And Zor v. Jor? Seen it already...on Smallville

    I think your Matrix idea is looking stronger John. I wonder if Johnson/Green are trying to 'unite' the Supergirl origins from the past.

    As for Jor v. Zor, I don't want to see it any more than you do. It was also part of the much maligned earliest issues of the last incarnation.

  5. We must be careful not to apply our human standards to this "New" Krypton. Yes they have shown deep caring and love toward their children but we do not yet know what family honor and loyalty means on Krypton. I will not discount your idea that maybe it was Jor-El who shot Zor but it is a stretch. In any case, I love everything about this incarnation of Kara Zor-El. I wish that this trade book type if writing would stop. For the price we are paying for these books, they should be packed with story and end with a cliff at the end of every issue. That way readers will want more and more each month! I enjoy Supergirl much more than Superman books these days.

  6. Great preview, Anj - I bet you're reading the book even now. My bet is, you'll love it!
