Tuesday, August 28, 2012

SBFF Poll On DCNation Site

I have been very impressed with the DCNation block over on the Cartoon Network. Young Justice has always been solid and made the '5 years later' jump smoothly. Green Lantern started slowly but rallied at the end, bringing in lots of GL mythology to the show. And the DC shorts have been, for the most part, fantastic.

No big surprise, Lauren Faust's Super Best Friend Forever has been one of my favorites.

Over on the DC Nation web site, you can now watch a number of the DC Nation shorts, including the first three SBFF episodes as well as all sorts of others; I highly recommend the Catwoman shorts for action and the Animal Man ones for comedy.

Here is the link: http://dcnation.kidswb.com/blog/2012/08/20/watch-dc-nation-season-1-shorts/

The page is also running a poll (over in the right) asking who is your favorite Super Best Friend. Go vote ... because our girl Kara is running a distant distant third.

Regardless of the vote, I love SBFF and keep waiting for the last one to air. And can't believe I see an ad for an animated Supergirl on the top of a web page. These are great times!


  1. I love the SBFF. The super-wedgie and Mrs. Kent defeating Supergirl with just a wave of her finger episode is my favorite one.

  2. Sorry Anj, but Wonder Girl is my favorite SBF, too. I don't like Supergirl's characterization in those at all.

  3. WOW! Did not realize Wonder Girl was so popular in that poll...

    I wish they had a poll where you can vote for your favorite DC Nation short. How Teen Titans Go got the green light to become a full series so soon instead of SBFF still baffles me.

  4. So, I have been follwing this poll for a few days now. And it has been 66% Wonder Girl, 22% Batgirl and 12% Supergirl the entire time. I am 100% sure the poll is bugged. If not, there should have been at least tiny changes, but, since this post was put up and until now, the percentages have been exactly the same all the time.

  5. Thanks for pointing out the lack of changes in the numbers Kim. I wonder if the poll is broken or closed somehow.

    I can't believe those numbers. I thought for certain the Pinky Pie-esque Batgirl would dominate.

  6. Who would have thought that Wonder Girl was so popular in Chicago? :P
