Saturday, June 30, 2012

Yes, It's Possible

Sketch recently posted on Mahmud Asrar's blog:

Sometimes these sketches end up as panels in Supergirl.

So could this be Zatanna? Could she be saying it's possible to download English into Kara's brain?

Maybe? Please?


  1. I still vote for ESL classes at the Metropolis Center for Lifelong Learning.



  2. I'd rather Supergirl learn it on her own because she's intelligent and has the capability. We had enough of dumb Supergirl during the Puckett and Palmiotti runs. The Loeb Supergirl was able to learn a second language. I've learned a couple of languages on my own. This Supergirl should be able to learn a second language on her own as well.

  3. Supergirl has never been "dumb", she has been handled by thoughtless & glib writers that is all.
    All the more reason for her to plunk herself down in full costume in front row of "Practical English for Beginners" Mondays and Wednesday Nights (7pm) at the Weisinger Annex.
    And after that maybe she can audit a class in "How to avoid being a mealy mouthed bore on line"....



  4. But, does she speak something other than kryptonian (sp)? I mean, how would she understand anything? Like, anything? She wouldn't even be able to talk to anyone.

    I don't know, I'm not reading the current book (planning to catch up though) so, those were my worries.
