Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sales Review: May 2012

Diamond Distribution has released the sales numbers for May 2012 and as usual ICv2 has done a great job of breaking things down so it is easier for me to digest. As always, that site does a great job covering the market. Here is a link to their review of the top 300 comics in May:

That link can lead you to their other market coverage. What interests me is that May seemed to be a 'boom' month for comics, increase dramatically from May 2011 and with 5 comics crossing the 100K mark. The Avengers vs Xmen issues broke 170K! DC continued to hang in with Marvel taking 7 of the top 10 (buoyed by Night of the Owls) and 12 of the top 20.

Supergirl #9 slipped 5 spots to the #65 selling title overall. But I don't care.

The book sold 35,129 which was up 8% from Supergirl #8! In this day and age, whenever sales go up on a comic, you have to stand up and take notice. This followed the Perez issue so I wonder if his fans decided to see how the story ends?

Regardless, this was great to see showing that Supergirl remains healthy in this current market.

Worlds' Finest #1 also came out last month. I wondered how this one would fare. The Huntress solo mini-series wasn't exactly a torrid seller. But this boasted great art from two masters, a legendary writer, and spun out of the Earth 2 book so it had a bit more buzz.

I was semi-surprised to see just how well it did sell. Landing in at #20, above recent darling Aquaman and the Superman book.

I know we are only 2 issues in but this book so far has been a nice entertaining treat, sort of 'old school' comic with Paul Levitz' trademark great characterization. It will be interesting to see just what happens in subsequent months.

And a third 'Supergirl' book also came out last month. The much-anticipated and decently hyped Superman Family Adventures #1 came out. This book had been given a good push by FCBD as well as blog post on the Source.

Amazingly, the book sold just over 13K, a great number for a 'Johnny DC' (do they even call them that anymore) all ages book. I don't know if sustaining these sales is possible for this book but what an opening salvo! I wonder if people missed Tiny Titans so much they gobbled up this book.

So overall, a very good month for comics in general and Supergirl in particular. That was great to see!

1 comment:

  1. If sales are actually up, then no wonder DC and Warner Brothers are shilling for a Supergirl movie....

    You'll notice no one is talking smack about a Wonder Woman feature film....


