Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Help Oliver Nome

I know it has been all over the web but I think the more this is promoted the better. Artist Oliver Nome was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor and needs help paying for the medical costs of treatment.

A fund-raising site has been set up here:
As always with these things, every little bit helps. So donations range from a buck to $625.So please help out if you can.

I met Nome at the Boston Comic-Con in 2011 and had a great conversation with him. He also drew the commission above, my favorite from that con and an absolute steal.

I was also floored by his work on Flashpoint:Kid Flash Lost (written by Sterling Gates). Nome brought his electric style to the story but also did a great job evoking the death of Barry Allen in Crisis in a number of places.

So please check out the website. There are tokens of appreciation ranging from high fives to prints to original art for all levels of donation.

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