Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Supergirl By Mahmud Asrar

I saw this piece on Mahmud Asrar's blog 'Creative Differences' and thought it was fantastic. Here is the link:

And the brief blurb:
This is the Supergirl sketch I’ve drawn at the workshop we conducted with Yildiray Cinar at the University we graduated from.

The thing that I liked about this picture was that it showed a relaxed Supergirl, listening to some tunes, and chilling out among the clouds. I love the little smile on her face. And she's wearing headphones, becoming more assimilated to Earth's culture. I wouldn't seeing something like this in the comic!

On top of that, I just love the nuanced feel you get from Asrar's marker work.

So ... what band do you think she is listening to? There is something about the serene look on her face that makes me think she is listening to some smooth jazz, like Dave Brubeck.

If you are reading this Mr. Asrar, what music did you imagine her listening to?


  1. She is listening to The Beatles "Revolver", specifically "Tomorrow Never Knows"...


  2. On Twitter, this is was Mahmud Asrar said:
    "I'd go for Frank Sinatra. He's got a couple songs to fit the image too."

    Man, Supergirl listening to Sinatra? That's like peanut butter and chocolate!

  3. Sigh! If only the current series had more moments like this.

    So little getting to know this Kara personally and too many battles, even if the art is wonderful.

  4. Sinatra sounds cool, but it would be neat if she was listening to some of Siobhan's homemade songs, assuming they are still friends after this current arc.

  5. Hi Anj! From what I’ve seen of current Supergirl, I’d think she’d get into Fiona Apple.

  6. Oooo! Sinatra! Nice! I love Sinatra's songs! I bet she's listening to "Fly Me To The Moon"! -ealperin

  7. Fiona Apple is a funny pick.

    I was thinking 'Come fly with me' ealperin, but 'Fly Me to the Moon' works just as well!
