Sunday, May 6, 2012

Gene Ha On The Corporate Superman Symbol

Gene Ha contacted me and gave me the low-down on the S-shield for the corporate Superman from Action Comics #9. Here is what Ha had to say:

The corporate Superman symbol I designed is a combination of the Kingdom Come symbol, a swastika, a mirror-imaged Soviet hammer and sickle, and a dollar sign.

I immediately saw the swastika component. A buddy of mine saw the 'Red Son' hammer and sickle immediately but not the swastika so it is interesting to find that both of them were in there. And now that I read it, I can see all the elements that Ha put in. Just incredible design.

Thanks to Gene Ha for revealing his design details to all of us!


  1. Impressive. I saw the Red Son immediately, and didn't see anything else....

  2. I never read nor saw anything from those Superman Elsewhere tales. I had heard about them. It possible to a complete outsider or a newbie to the comics world they could misunderstand the symbol.

  3. I got the swastika and hammer and sickle, but that's it. Fascinating!
