Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Animated Anthem Day - Fan Made Supergirl:The Animated Series Opening

I am always thrilled to include Supergirl Comic Box Commentary in comic blog crossovers. So when Frank Delano, mastermind behind the great Martian Manhunter blog Idol-Head of Diabolu, suggested a massive crossover of animated themes for DC characters, I had to hop on board.

Now Supergirl has never had her own show but played a pretty hefty role in both Superman:The Animated Series and Justice League Unlimited. Heck, a major long-running plotline in JLU revolved around Supergirl and her doppelganger Galatea.

The best that could be found was a fan-made opening to an imagined Supergirl series set squarely in the Timm-verse. Here is the link to the YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5JvtbCggwE&feature=youtu.be by VladGLX.

Between JLU, Superman/Batman:Apocalypse, and Super Best Friends Forever, I have little to complain about. That said, I keep hoping that Supergirl will guest star on Young Justice at some point. I mean that makes sense! And wouldn't that add a spicy wrinkle to the Superman spurning Superboy sub-plot?

Please visit the other blogs participating in Animated Anthem Day. These folks are the best, passionate about their favorite character, and stoking the fires of fandom! And thanks to Frank for organizing this. An amazing 15 blogs participated in this crossover!

Animated Anthem Day
And feel free to look back at the other times Supergirl Comic Box Commentary was part of a blog crossover.

There was the DC Challenge!

And there was the Mayfairstivus look at the Mayfair DC Heroes RPG!


  1. Dont forget about the Smallville spawned, animated, Kara and the Chronicles of Krypton: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkftnbMA2Hs

  2. Dont forget about the Smallville spawned, animated, Kara and the Chronicles of Krypton

    I had forgotten about it! And I reviewed it here!

    Thanks for the reminder.

  3. That's a swell Supergirl opening! You know, the Lois & Clark theme actually works better than Jerry Goldsmith's Supergirl overture. The former sounds sweeter and more feminine, while still being in the Superman wheelhouse. Goldsmith's theme was nice sci-fi material, but doesn't sell the super at all.

    Gah, I'm going to have to complete the DC Challenge if folks keep linking to it. You guys are going to make my hair fall out. More of it, I mean... maybe closer to the back, even. Thanks for the kind words, though.

  4. That's a swell Supergirl opening! You know, the Lois & Clark theme actually works better than Jerry Goldsmith's Supergirl overture. The former sounds sweeter and more feminine, while still being in the Superman wheelhouse. Goldsmith's theme was nice sci-fi material, but doesn't sell the super at all.

    The music does fit the images. And it is clear Bruce Timm loved Supergirl as she was pitch perfect on both S:TAS and JLI. I can only imagine how fantastic a Timm Supergirl show would have been!

  5. In a perfect world, Supergirl is a constant in animated TV cartoons, THAT is her natural venue IMHO.
    Movies and live action TV is great, but a half hour Supergirl animated series would take over television without firing a shot.
    Bruce Timm knows this, we know it, when will Warner Brothers wake the hell up??


  6. I think the best animated Supergirl moment was near the end of the two part episode of Legacy when Kara reminds Superman "not to play by Darkseid's rules" and brings him back from the brink after he beat the tar out of the villain on Apokolips.


  7. That's a pretty groovy OPEN ..well done.
