Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

On this day for romance, I thought I would share this page of 'Supergirl's Boyfriends' from Superman Family #177. Now certainly there have been a lot more men vying for Supergirl's heart throughout her history. Even in this issue, an alien named Ranar feels that Supergirl has been destined to be his mate.

Still, these guys have seemed to stand the test of time.

Brainiac 5 will always have a connection to Supergirl, most recently rekindled by Sterling Gates during the War of the Supermen and Supergirl Annual #2. I think there is a strong contingent of fans who would love to see these two together.

Dick Malverne was around through the Silver Age and into the Bronze. His story was wrapped up in the Tim Sale Solo issue. Peter David then brought back a new Dick Malverne in his run on Supergirl. His story ended tragically as well.

The romance of Biron/Comet in the Silver Age was a bit offbeat to say the least. Still, he did try his best to court her when in his human form. Comet was also brought back in Peter David's Supergirl, this time as a woman, Ande Jones.

I hope everyone out there can find such long lasting love on Valentine's Day!

These early issues of Superman Family (which took over the numbering of Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen) were mostly reprinted material. But there was new stories done in a rotating manner. You could tell who had the new material by however was on top of the column of characters on the left (and whoever had the 'big' picture on the cover).

In the Supergirl issues, they always included some page like the boyfriend one, sort of reviewing Supergirl's history. Other pages include reviews of Lena Thorul's history and a list of Kara's rogues.


  1. Ah, memories. But they don't extend to what happened to Dick Malverne, I think I missed that Solo issue. Was it the PAD run that had him suffer with cancer?

    I wish the Daring Adventures (as was) had survived long enough to see what happened when Dick returned after his long absence.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. From what I've read from "Back Issue" magazine, Dick's return at the very end of TDNAOS was not necessarily welcomed with open arms by Linda Lee Danvers. More than that we do not know as the snuff order came down on high shortly thereafter.
    I wonder if SG's then writer Paul Kupperberg could ever be induced to drop by here and tell us what his intentions were vis a vis that storyline?


  3. I wonder if SG's then writer Paul Kupperberg could ever be induced to drop by here and tell us what his intentions were vis a vis that storyline?

    That is a seriously good idea.

    Let me see what I can do!

  4. Was it the PAD run that had him suffer with cancer?

    Yeah. PAD had him die of cancer.

    And in the Tim Sale Solo issue, reviewed here looooong ago, he and Diane Schulz had Dick die of cancer as well.

    Poor guy!

  5. Yep. Loved Dick Malverne. He had some great times with Linda and Supergirl in both the Solo and PAD's run. I can only wish that Linda and him can reunite, again... The RIH arc was a mess... But the only thing I'm keeping from it is that Linda got her angelic powers back, everything else I'm retconning out of my head. Might do a fic reminiscent of "Tomorrow's Memoirs", soon, as seen here: http://tomorrowsmemoir.com/

