Saturday, February 4, 2012

Current Pull List

After discussing the Watchmen mini-series I will probably be purchasing, I realized that I had not updated my Pull List Page in a loooonng long time. So it is now up to date.

And here it is. Is it too long? Do I read too many comics??

DC Monthlies:
Action Comics
Animal Man
Batman Inc (Upcoming)
Birds of Prey
Demon Knights
Earth 2 (upcoming)
Green Lantern
Justice League of America
Justice League Dark
Legion Lost
Legion of Superheroes
Wonder Woman
World's Finest (upcoming)

DC Mini's:
Legion Secret Origin
My Greatest Adventure
The Huntress

Captain America
Invincible Iron Man
Uncanny X-Men

Indy (monthly, minis, and sporadics):
Atomic Robo
Conan (Brian Wood/Becky Cloonan) (upcoming)
Casanova Avarita
Kirby Genesis
Kirby Genesis:Captain Victory
Rachel Rising

Of the current list, I am enjoying most of these titles. So as of right now, most of these titles are safe.Most.

Anything I'm not buying that I should try??


  1. Dan Slott is having an incredibly fun run on "Amazing Spider-Man," "The Flash" is great, "Wolverine and The X-Men" is everything that makes the X-Men great and "Ultimate Spider-Man," with Miles Morales behind the mask, is my favorite monthly book, tied with "Wonder Woman."

  2. I've loved Fables since issue #1....

  3. Since Hawk & Dove will be cancelled, will you replace your regular reviews with one of the "Justice"-Titles or Batman Inc.? Or will there be another poll?

  4. Thanks for the comments.

    I loved Slott on She-Hulk but don't think I could get into Spiderman.

    Flash is an interesting idea.

    And I worry that it is 'too late' to jump on board Fables although lots of people have recommended it to me.

    As for a replacement review for H&D, maybe I should post another poll. Thanks for the idea!

  5. I was wondering if you could pick up Red hood and the Outlaws or perhaps a Nightwing series
