Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays And Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from Supergirl Comic Box Commentary!

Perhaps the most perfect Christmas gift was presented to the web a couple of day ago when Mike Maihack did one last Supergirl/Batgirl comic, this time holiday themed. Here is the link and Maihack's words:

Anyhow, I think this’ll be it for these little Batgirl/Supergirl comics. I feel these sort of one page, costume themed gags have kind of run their course and if I do any more I’d rather draw a longer arc I have in mind.

So, no more of these for the time beings, although the buzz on these comics have been overwhelmingly positive. I love that Supergirl is happy and upbeat. (Bringing the Christmas tree on patrol is fantastic!). And I love that Batgirl wants to be grim and gritty but just can't be around Kara. Wonderful.

Anyways, good cheer to everyone who drops in on the site and talks Supergirl! This place and the friends I have made here are a special gift for me. Thanks for making this blog such a fun place!


  1. Merry Christmas to all Strange Visitors from Another Planet....



  2. Happy Holidays to you and everyone else too Anj.

    PS, Mahmud Asrar is awesome, I love looking at his stuff on facebook.

  3. Hope everyone had a great holiday!

    Great to hear from you Matt. Can't wait to see your Action back-up (whenever it is scheduled!).

  4. A Merry belated Christmas to all! =D

  5. I love Mike's work! It's just so adorable! Happy holidays to all!-ealperin
