Saturday, August 13, 2011

"Cosmic" Flamebird

Earlier this week in an interview here, Landry Walker and Eric Jones talked about their plans to have had Supergirl guest star in Batman:The Brave and the Bold comic book. In that story, Supergirl would lose her powers and would adopt the costumed identity of Flamebird, patrolling the streets of Gotham with the Dark Knight. Unfortunately, that story never came to be.

Walker and Jones had started to do some design work on their version of Flamebird and just found those sketches, sending them on to me.

 I thought I would share them as well. Like the concept art for Cosmic Adventures in the Ninth Grade, this is one of this things that might have been. I can't thank the two of them enough for sharing this with all of us.

And, of course, having Kara become Flamebird ties in nicely with the Superman mythos. Walker and Jones just have an easy grasp of who Kara is and how she should be portrayed. As always, I can only hope that DC does the right thing and let's them create another Supergirl book.

Above is design number one for the Flamebird character. This one has a sort of sleek retro-feel to it.

Here is the second design for the Flamebird outfit. This one is a bit bolder with the striped skirt with the frayed edges and the more flame like cape. I am completely torn over which design I like better. And kind of down that we'll probably never see either of these designs in a comic. I really wish we could have read this story in Brave and the Bold.

Thanks again to Landry Walker and Eric Jones for sharing these pictures. You have plenty of fans here who I am sure appreciate seeing them.

In the mean time, let's continue to ask DC for Cosmic Adventures in the Ninth Grade!


  1. Wow those designs look great! I wondered what Kara would look like all grown up in the Landry-verse.

    Flamebird Kara's hair, mask, and sunburst on her chest reminded me of what Ms. Marvel is going look like in the second season of Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes:


  2. Cool! Love the second design, it look much more adorable and appealing. Wish I could draw some like that too. Cute. buy aion accounts

  3. I'm sorry, but I personally don't want to see another Supergirl book (except for younger readers under the DC Kids brand.) If you or the readers love the older one so much, you might want to consider downloading the older Supergirl books from the 60s and 70s via Bittorrent.

    Also, I think that this constant drumbeat of criticism for you about the current series is getting very tiresome.

  4. I don't know if I quite follow this comment. Nor do I want to necessarily get into a long discussion about it. But I'll try to break things down.

    I'm sorry, but I personally don't want to see another Supergirl book (except for younger readers under the DC Kids brand.)

    I don't know why you would come to this blog if you don't want to see another Supergirl book. Maybe you shouldn't visit here.

    If you or the readers love the older one so much, you might want to consider downloading the older Supergirl books from the 60s and 70s via Bittorrent.

    So, I have older books. And I don't illegally download books from the internet. I do love almost all incarnations of the character.

    Also, I think that this constant drumbeat of criticism for you about the current series is getting very tiresome.

    Funny. I think if anything I have been very supportive of the current book. I have liked what Gates, Peaty, and DeConnick have done over the last 3 years.

    But my guess is you mean the upcoming book. And I feel I have been pretty level-headed in my discussion, constantly weighing the things I see that are positive and negative. And always saying that final determination will be when I read the book.

    Given that this response was put on this post ... pretty much an unrelated comment to the content, I am still a bit confused. Why do you come here if you don't like my opinions?

  5. Wow those designs look great! I wondered what Kara would look like all grown up in the Landry-verse.

    So glad they shared!

  6. Helluva shame none of this will ever see the light of day, Landry et al have Supergirl down pat. It must make DC ashamed or something that they still have creatives that GET Kara for real...


    John Feer

  7. Those designs rock! This really needs to get done, folks!

    Sign the twitition- (Landry's awesome wife did!

