Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Costume? (Edited x 2)

Don't know how legitimate this is, but over on the CBR Forums, they have posted this picture as the cover for Supergirl #1. There are also presumed covers for Superman #1 and Superboy#1. Here is the link: 

Also, if that link won't work, it is up on Bleeding Cool.

I don't mind the 'swimsuit look' especially given the red shorts look. I would have much preferred the red skirt version. And I like the high collared cape as it gives Supergirl an air of royalty. And the new snazzy 'S' shield. I think I'll be okay with it.

But the kneeless boots look completely off, almost like something you would find on an amecomi statue rather than on a superhero. Maybe the stuff above the chevron line will disappear when the book is finally officially solicited.

That is Mahmud Asrar credited on the cover. I wonder if he is doing the interiors as well.

If they were normal boots, I would be pretty happy with this cover. Of all the revamped costumes, this one (again other than the boots) works very well. Those high boots simply have to go.

And she certainly doesn't look to de-aged, one of my concerns. This could totally be the Supergirl from the current book.

Can I also say that I hope the rumor that this is some merged amalgam of Supergirl and Power Girl is wrong. I will be more than angry if that happens. The two characters are so different in attitude and experience and life. There hasn't been a sighting of Power Girl in the DCU, this Supergirl looks older ... it could be a merging. And that would be a complete insult to fans of both characters.

What does everyone think?


  1. Amazing and cool costumes. I can't wait for September (just two months away-how hath the time flew, too!)

  2. Hum, death, a transexual glopdroid, a semi angel, an alleged daughter of Superman THEN RESURRECTION (TWENTY years later) and all to circle around back to the shorts Supergirl proudly wore in 1981. The boots don't work but thats a minor quibble IMHO.
    Oh and the high necked cape does look regal, in a stagy downmarket Second Empire sort of a way.
    Color me still suspicious, but it is an interesting pic.

    John Feer

  3. Interesting redesign...but the kneeless boots are a no-no.-ealperin

  4. Well it’s not as bad as I feared.
    The high-necked cape looks silly. I didn't like it on Martian Manhunter, and it looks out of place on Supergirl.

    The lack of a belt doesn't bother me, but why is only the front part below her gold "S" shield red? Why can't the whole bottom part of her costume be red like her 70's era shorts?

    Her boots look way too ornate. The red above her knees looks ridiculous. Simple tall red boots would be better.

    Honestly I think Jim Lee just redesigned Supergirl's costume just for the sake of redesigning it. At least we now know that Supergirl survived this reboot. Whether or not enough people will by her comic remains to be seen.


  5. P.S. Combining Supergirl and Power Girl into one character would be a MASSIVE mistake on DC's part. What are they trying to accomplish by upsetting two separate fan bases?


  6. Roschard Test time...& boy: Is it working!!! (LMAO)

  7. hmm, don't mind the top half of the costume. i'm very much against the swimsuit and would love for the skirt to come back, or pants even... and, yes, i'm not into the kneeless boots, either :)

  8. Glad to see the "pants" mandate stops at Supergirl. It was such a hypocrisy anyways. Hopefully we can get the red skirt back soon, but I'm surprised and actually might be back on board.

  9. Power Girl is supposed to be coming back, and with pants no less. Her breasts are supposed to still be popping out though.

  10. OMG O_O Supergirl truly looks drop dead beautiful! However in having had said that though not fond of the way her face looks like (looks too much like Power Girl) noir the particular chosen design of her "S"-shield for it just screams Electric Superman to me.

    Still gonna buy this regardless of those minor quibbles (was there any ever any doubt? lol) and hope to buy some copies to give to my cousins too. =D

    PS: Please God let her be Kara Zor-El proper still and not In-Ze from S:TAS-JLU TV show continuity when said and done though.

  11. I can live with this new costume. I would've preferred the red skirt or at least show the red shorts in their entirety. I do like the regal neckline though it'll take a little getting used to. The boots I agree must go. They look like thigh-high hooker boots. They look totally out of place with the rest of the costume. Here's hoping they don't merge Power Girl and Supergirl. Especially after DC went to all that trouble with Infinite Crisis to restore Power Girl's "simpler" Earth-2 origins.

  12. All due respect, Jason "Thigh high hooker boots"? Really? You think adding extra material to her existing "M" cut boots makes her look more cheap than trendy? :/

    Question for all: anyone else curious as to exactly how Supergirl is going to keep her cape on without it falling off especially when traveling at high speeds? Shouldn't she have like a mini gold "S"-shield clasp to keep it in place proper or something? =/

  13. I guess I’m alone in not caring for the redesign. I suspected they would make it even worse than it turned out to be so that’s a relief but it’s going to be hard for me to associate this with what I know of Supergirl and it will take a *perfect* hero story to keep me interested and I don’t think DC can pull it off.

    The strange thing is Linda with the white top seemed too pedestrian and normal to me. This makes the character seem unapproachable and foreign to me. Most of the other outfits SG had worked for how I felt a hero would present themselves – even if one or two of them look really dated.

  14. If the stories are good, the characterizations appropriate, and it's actually Kara Zor-El, then I don't care if she's wearing the pink bunny suit Damian bought for her.

    But yes, this looks good to me.

  15. But on the subject of a merging of the two characters, I read both books now but am in no way interested in a merger of the two. That's possibly the worst idea I've heard yet because we lose both characters.

    Honestly I can't wait until they're done with all this. I want to get back to reading the stories, not worrying that DC is going to do something else that makes me not want to.

  16. I think the costume turned out pretty good. I miss the skirt, but pants would have been lame, so this is a nice compromise. I don't love the piping, and the boots need to decide whether they're thigh or calf high, but this design looks brilliant compared to Superman's. I especially like the cape, so I hesitate to mention that it's rather reminiscent of 5YL Laurel Gand, no? Besides, this could have totally been black and pink with a metal shield hanging off nipple piercings, is Brett Booth had his way.

  17. I'm with Random, that costume is diabolical, full of bonkers shapes. And Kara looks terribly aloof.

  18. All in all, this looks way better than I feared. Thank god the pants mandate is dead. Perhaps the knee boots and the cape at the neck will change (seems to be the two biggest problems people have, and I kind of agree).

    I also agree with the opinion that the addition of a red skirt would look good. It would kind of be a combination between a classic look and this new costume--perhaps a good way to keep the old in the fold and attract some new readers.

    All in all, this is one of the better costume redesigns I have seen. I'm still feeling sorry for Black Canary fans.

  19. It looks better than I thought it would, and I like it fine. To be honest my only gripe with the cover is the look on her face. I like my Supergirl a bit more... I don't know... slightly bubbly. The semi-frown is throwing me off.

    Still, though, I'm far more concerned with her personality and history (I.E. Lana Lang and recent character development) than I am the costume.

  20. If merging PG & SG is DC's "big idea" for the relaunch, all I can say is, it means war. They spent years after COIE #7 trying to cram Power Girl down our throats, build her up as a serious power-house contemporary of Superman, but in the end she has never been anything more than C-List.
    A team book habitue, nothing more.
    Supergirl is an ICON, Power Girl is a character, merging them drags them both down.

    John Feer


  22. horrible uniform.

  23. If supergirl come up with this ugly uniform, I never buy her magazine noted "zero " for the uniform.


  25. I agree that merging Supergirl and Power Girl would be massive mistake. Power Girl is a great book.

    I am still smitten with the pre-Crisis Supergirl and enjoy reading the collections of her adventures. I'm not knowledgeable enough about post-Crisis Supergirl(s) to have an opinion on her/them.

    One thing I find with all the new costumes in the #1s is that they all seem to be very futuristic. imo, it should be easy to tell the difference between 21st and 31st century superheroes. I'm not getting that yet.

  26. Ha ha, once again I;m the complete opposite of everyone. First thing I thought when I saw it was, "Damn, those boot look cool!" I think they are unique. I don;t know how they'll work panel to panel, but in that one shot, I dig 'em!

  27. I think this whole "new costumes for everyone" thing is going to backfire big time. Superman looks particularly odd without his red underpants. Everything looks like the 90s again, which is not a good thing!

    If you want any other similar "if it ain't broke..." analogies then just take a quick look at New Coke. They honestly thought they were doing the right thing as well and look how well that worked.

    OK, so I get the whole reboot and shaking things up thing but certain things are iconic and even people who've not read a Superman/Supergirl comic in years could tell you what the costumes look like. Now they look like cheapo brand rip-offs! Dumb idea. DC needs to appeal to more people then fine, I get that. Do more digital stuff and stop the "you've gotta buy 57 comics from 13 different series to get the story arc" schemes. Casual comic fans should be able to dip in and out of a title whenever they want. Don't just redesign a universally recognisable brand. You'll regret it.

    But anyway, the new costume... meh. I wasn't mega keen when they brought Supergirl back and trimmed half her top off but it did at least look like her old one, albeit a bit smaller. Now it just looks, errr, stupid.

    I give it about 6 months max before they have crisis meetings and make another announcement that they've decided to bring back all the old costumes again and this was just some sort of weird alternate universe doobry thing that isn't canon and look into my eyes, you are feeling sleepy, this didn't happen etc etc....

  28. Wow!

    Thanks for all the comments!

    At the very least, this design has people talking!

    The official release information about the Super books is probably happening today or tomorrow (remember the 'Geoff Johns drops a bombshell on 6/11' headline). Hopefully this is prototype and the boots go.

    Again, thanks to all who posted. I love a great discussion!

  29. Those boots remind me of the thigh highs Supergirl used to sport on her first self consciously "mod" costume circa 1970 or so. These boots just strike me as tough for an artist to draw over time...
    But truly we have much bigger problems re Supergirl than her footwear.
    What is the latest rumor, Karen Starr + Kara Zor El = Supergirl? I mean not fer nuthin' but they already DID this already with Matrix and the Earth Angel.
    And more to the point if they are going backwards with Supergirl at what point to they recapituate COIE #7??

    John Feer

  30. Now we know why Kara came out of that exhibit and vomited in last year's Annual....

  31. Ugh, I do not like this costume!
    I don't think the boots are kneeless though, I think those are white diamonds over the knees, the shading is different to her leg colour.

    Anyway, I don't like over the knee boots, I don't like the red shape on the front of the uniform (the groin area, not the shield).
    I do like the way the cape fits in front of he throat (very like the new krypton cape designs).

    I don't think it fits together at all.

  32. Let the campaign's return of supergirl uniform pre-crisis, the best of all, see the link made ​​by George Perez:

  33. Oh my god!!! this is new uniform of supergirl is "Horrible".

  34. Oh my god!!! this new uniform of supergirl is "Horrible".
