Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bleeding Cool Rumor

Yes I have seen it here: http://www.bleedingcool.com/2011/06/07/dc-relaunch-supergirl-1-writers-from-smallville/

Will post about it tomorrow I promise!

 Have to dig up some scans.


  1. Bleeding Cool's pants rumor looks confirmed. Black Canary now looks terrible.

    I miss when Supergirl looked the way she did in the banner at the top of the site. I wonder if we'll ever see her again. DC's don't call it a reboot looks like a monumental screw up and I'm sure I will be purchasing nothing from it.

  2. I fear her looks will be as different as WWs. I hope they remember the most basic thing about the character: a teenage girl that can do EVERYTHING Superman can do..

  3. Smallville writers, geezus that is ALL we need.

    John Feer

  4. Tell me about it!

    I just hope they don't destroy the characters like they tried to do with Lana in Superman/Batman.

    Anj, if you are ever presented with an opportunity to speak with anyone in charge, please try to get some information on Lana Lang for us fans. Thanks.

  5. Anj, if you are ever presented with an opportunity to speak with anyone in charge, please try to get some information on Lana Lang for us fans. Thanks.

    I wish I had that sort of pull. But hopefully someone peeks here and lets us know.
