Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Supergirl Shrine

In looking back, it has been almost 2 years since I showed pictures of my complete Supergirl collectibles collection. With the addition of the Adam Hughes Cover Girls statue and with no new item coming in for a while, I figured it was time to show it all again.

The top shelf is the most disorganized of the display. Initially deemed the Silver Age shelf, it has become something of a hodge podge. Yes, Silver Age Supergirl is there in the Action #252 cover statue, the DC Direct classic Supergirl figure (with Streaky and 'Welcome to Midvale' sign) and the DC Pocket Heroes. I also have the Supergirl bobble-head which has her emerging from her rocket albeit in a Matrix style costume.

But this shelf also has the Pepsi glass showing the 70's look, the Adam Hughes Supergirl bust, and the Kotobukiya vinyl statue. And what are those GL and Flash rings doing there?

The second shelf has really come together nicely. There is the Deluxe Collector action figure and Barbie Supergirl. There are several action figures showing the current costume including the Turner and McGuiness look. There is the MicroMan Japanese import, the Infinite Heroes mini-figure, HeroClix, and DC MiniMates.

But the anchor of this shelf is the statues: Turner Mini-statue, Hughes Cover Girls, DVD Maquette, and Terry Dodson bust.

The final shelf is also something of a mix but with strong bookends.

On one end we have the white-shirt costume items: statue, paper weight, plushy, several action figures and some JLU toys.

On the other end is the headband items: large and small action figures and Ertl diecast.

Between them is the DC Dynamic statue. It is such a great statue I wanted to showcase it a bit and thought it would shine on this shelf. We also have the Justice 70's look figure, the ElseWorld's Finest figure (which is the hardest to get to stand), the Superwoman figure, custom Lego Kara, and the Gary Frank mini-statue.

I also have a shelf devoted mostly to Superman and Supergirl trades which is the backdrop to pictures I take of new items.

Coming up later this year is the Supergirl/Steel Superman family statue and an Amanda Conner Supergirl bust.

Thanks for looking!


  1. WHOA! O_O Man that's sure some beautiful super eyecandy on parade Anj! BD

  2. Picked up a Supergirl Toon Tumbler last week at Mickey Rodent's in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Very nice. Her look and costume are based on the cover of Adventure Comics 410.

  3. Lucky... :)-ealperin
