Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Justice League #50 And The HERO Initiative

DC Comics and the HERO Initiative announced a joint project involving creator drawn sketch covers of Justice League #50. Here is the link to the HERO Initiative page discussing the project:

For those who don't know, the HERO Initiative is a charity providing financial support for comics creators in need. I haven't donated through their site but I do give whenever I see them at conventions. As they say, everyone needs a golden age.

Here is the part of the release statement.

The Hero Initiative, a charity dedicated to helping comic creators in medical or financial need, most proudly announces their new partnership in the Justice League Of America #50 project with DC Comics. This is the first collaboration with DC comics ever and Hero is chomping at the bit to pull the collection together. The call has gone out and dozens of artists are putting pen to paper. DC has generously donated 100 blank-covered cardstock copies of Justice League Of America #50 to Hero, and work is being created by well-known stars such as Jim Lee, Alex Ross, George Perez, Jason Bone, Jim Valentino, and many many more.

"We're thrilled to be working in new ways with DC Comics, and showcasing some of the greatest artists and greatest characters in the world," said Hero Initiative President Jim McLauchlin. "And of course, sales of the covers and the collected book will go toward helping many other comic creators in need."

All 100 original Justice League America covers will be published in a book slated for release in 2011, and a public viewing of all covers will be scheduled as well.

Now as exciting as that sounded, I was also thrilled to hear that Jamal Igle was doing one of the covers and posted it on his deviant art page. Here is that link:

Unlike the other covers shown which have renditions of the 'Big Seven', Igle (as shown above) actually uses the stars of the issue, the current lineup. That means one last look at a Jamal Igle Supergirl. What a great cover!

My guess is the original issues/covers will be auctioned out of my price range but the idea of a separate book showcasing the covers interests me, especially knowing proceeds go to a good cause.

I did think I would post one more of the covers shown, as shown on the HERO site, this one by legend Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez. Why show this one? Well, that looks like Supergirl not only among the Big Seven, but sort of leading the charge against this giant eyeball.

How cool is that?

Anyways, the HERO Initiative is a great charity and worthy of support. I think I'll end up with the JLA book once it is solicited.

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