Thursday, September 23, 2010

One Last Baltimore Comic-Con Post: Jamal Igle's Superwoman

I know the Baltimore Comic-Con was almost a month ago, but I had to sneak one more post about it in.

A good friend who went to the con with me got this sweet Superwoman commission from Jamal Igle. I saw a number of the commissions Jamal worked on there and was impressed with all of them. I love the coloring and shading here as well as Lucy's devious expression. Slick.

On a semi-related note, Adrian Syaf was just named the artist on Birds of Prey meaning Igle is not on that title as rumored before. Hmmmm ... maybe we are lucky and he isn't going anywhere after all.


  1. Anj this one is also fantastic! Wow! Jamal's work on this one is A+!

  2. Simply badass Superwoman by Jamal, Anj! B-D
