Saturday, August 7, 2010

Baltimore Comic-Con Commission List #1

Well, in 20 short days I'll be winging my way to Baltimore to take in the 2 day Baltimore Comic Con.

While the Boston Comic-Con has grown over the last couple of years, this is the biggest con I will have ever attended. Here is the link to the convention's website:

The guest list is insane. There are lots of people who I want to meet, talk to, and grab signatures from. But, as always, there are also artists who I am hoping to get a commission from. I could rattle off a long list of names who I would love to get a piece from but I have found it is always best to make a game plan ... a top tier of artists that are your main targets. Anything obtained afterwards is gravy. At some point, if people are interested, I could get into finer detail of how I pick my commission targets, etc.

So here are the two top targets for commissions in Baltimore: Amanda Conner and Terry Moore.

I tried to get on her list back in 2007 back when she had just done the Power Girl arc in JSA:Classified. Unfortunately, I tried to get on her list at some point on the second day when she was done taking new names.

I have always been enamored of her style and think she would do a great Supergirl commission.

But after seeing her work on Supergirl in Wednesday Comics (and subsequently her absolutely stellar work on Power Girl), I really think I *need* a commission from her. So I am definitely making a bee-line to her table first.

As for Moore, I have to admit I have never read Strangers In Paradise, the book he is most noted for. You know when you feel there is just a gap in your comic knowledge? I felt like I had one with Moore, someone who I had heard great things about but had never read.

So when Echo came out a couple of years ago, I picked it up. I have to say I have loved the book. And Moore's art is wonderful. I am very curious to see just how great a Supergirl by him would be. So he'll be next on the list.

So those are the top two targets. Hopefully I'll get on their lists within the first 20 minutes of the con so I can relax thereafter. However, you always need a back up list, so I'll probably post some thoughts on that next week. I'll also post about the creators I am most interested in meeting and some questions I hope to ask.


  1. Hm... I have a friend going to that show... and I still owe you a (free) Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures poster... Maybe I could send it with him for you to pick up?

  2. and I still owe you a (free) Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures poster... Maybe I could send it with him for you to pick up?

    That'd be great!

    Let me know the details!

  3. If I had the money and she had the time, MY Amanda Connor Supergirl commission would depict Krypto's shaggy head in Kara's lap, his ears being duly scratched as our heroine reads "A Tale of Two Cities" (She has a book report due don'cha know)...

    John Feer

  4. If I had the money and she had the time, MY Amanda Connor Supergirl commission would depict Krypto's shaggy head in Kara's lap,

    It's funny you say that! I was going to see if I could get a Streaky into the picture.

  5. Baltimore Comic Con is going to rock. I'm still taking a few more FREE sketchcard requests for attendees of the show, so if you'd like some original art, let me know. Details here:
