Thursday, July 29, 2010

Baltimore ... Here I Come!

With the fervor of San Diego Comic Con in the rear view mirror, I thought I would let you know about my all small convention news.

I will be attending the Baltimore Comic Con on August 28th and 29th. I have to say I am pretty pumped to be heading there. The guest list looks absolutely amazing. Here is a link to the main site:

I am sure that as the date comes closer, I will be posting more about my specific plans ... commissions to try to get, signatures to procure, etc. The plan will be to blog throughout the days there ... giving a sort of play-by-play of the convention.

For me, the big news is Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle are both going to be there; I hope to be able to meet and chat with them about the title. James Robinson is also attending so I hope to run into him as well. Hopefully time will permit some discussion about Supergirl.

There are a lot of other creators I am going to hope to talk to including Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner, Marv Wolfman, Ron Marz, and (if I am lucky) Geoff Johns.

As the dates get closer I'll post more about my plans and strategies!

1 comment:

  1. How cool! Heres' truly wishing you a safe and hell joyfull trip, Anj! :-)
