Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Supergirl #52 Cover

For your viewing pleasure here at Supergirl Comic Box Commentary ... the first look at the cover to Supergirl #52, art by Matt Camp!

The image is striking ... a confident Supergirl carrying an obviously terrified Brainy away from an explosion. It is a flip-flop of the usual gender roles on covers like this. Supergirl is posed in such a classically heroic fashion as she streaks away from danger.

Thanks so much to Matt Camp for forwarding this and to DC for letting me post here.

I have said it before, so I'll say it again. I really like Camp's style. And he does such a great Supergirl; he seems very comfortable with her. While I love Jamal Igle's monthly work, I hope Camp remains linked to the character artistically in the future. Maybe as designated pinch hitter when Jamal is busy?

Here is the solicit for the issue on DC's website: It is listed for a 4/21 release.

Supergirl #52
Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Matt Camp; Cover by Josh Middleton

Continued from ADVENTURE COMICS #10! Supergirl meets Brainiac 5 of the Legion of Super-Heroes for the first time! But Brainy has not only already met Supergirl, he's already loved and lost her. Confused? Not as confused as Supergirl! Plus, Brainiac unleashes a weapon that spells the end for New Krypton and only Superman and the Legionnaires can stop it!

For the sake of completeness, here is the Josh Middleton 'sketch cover' that was originally released with the solicit. I wonder if this will ever see the light of day.

Camp on the cover of #52. Igle on the cover of #53.

Hmmmm .....


  1. heh, I like the new cover. Brainy looks terrified and Kara looks like she won't put up with any whining. However I also love the middleton cover. I think Kara looks in control in both images, even tho in the latter brainy is holding her. i think she's just about to send him flying across the room, or at least push him away.

  2. That cover looks cool! It reminds me of those buddy cop/action movies like Lethal Weapon or Die Hard. I can almost hear Brainy's screaming and Kara saying "Relax, will you?"

  3. That is a very "Helen Slater-esque" pose on the cover there.
    As I recall HS would stiffen her back, throw out her fist in perfect allignment, cock her leg, point her toes (always the graceful girlie-girl don'cha know) and pull her other fist down and parallel to her emblem.
    Or so I recall...

    John Feer

  4. I do like that new cover, it pops. Josh is very talented but usually I consider his work unsuited to Supergirl; the colours can be a tad muted and the figures lack dynamism - they have this wispy quality.

    It'll be interesting to see how Kara relates to Brainiac 5 given her interactions with 1 and 2.

    (I still can't get over how Brainiac is a combo of 'brain' and 'maniac' - it was decades before this was pointed out to me - and how fantastic that 'Brainiac' has entered the popular lexicon, along with 'Bizarro'.)

  5. Matt Camp's cover for Supergirl looks excellent! I love the contrast between Kara and Brainy- she looks so heroic and dynamic in the face of danger while Brainy looks scared out of his mind. Still, I hope the cover by Middleton will show up as a variant cover for issue 52. I wonder if DC wanted something more action orientated for the cover rather than the romantic comedy feeling of Middleton's cover? I enjoy both approaches!

  6. Matt Camp's cover for Supergirl looks excellent! I love the contrast between Kara and Brainy- she looks so heroic and dynamic in the face of danger while Brainy looks scared out of his mind. Still, I hope the cover by Middleton will show up as a variant cover for issue 52. I wonder if DC wanted something more action orientated for the cover rather than the romantic comedy feeling of Middleton's cover?

    I remember reading somewhere that the Middleton piece posted on DC was really a rough piece for him, not a finished product at all. So I get the sense that will never be printed.

    I liked that cover as well.

  7. @John Feer: dude same here! It just screams Helen Slater like Supergirl only with Brainy instead of Ethan being the dude scared out of his witts there! Bad ass! B-D

  8. Josh wasn't able to do the cover for #52, which is too bad, I love his work, so I filled in. I had the choice to either use his sketch as the basis for it or do something else, so I read the script and picked a scene I really liked and drew that.

  9. Josh wasn't able to do the cover for #52, which is too bad, I love his work, so I filled in. I had the choice to either use his sketch as the basis for it or do something else, so I read the script and picked a scene I really liked and drew that.

    Thanks for stopping by and posting.

    Everyone here loves Josh's work too.

    But your cover is great too. Can't wait to see the issue!
