Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Helen Slater Intro In 'Who Is Superwoman?'

I have been eagerly awaiting the release of the Supergirl 'Who is Superwoman?' trade paperback which has been solicited for a November 11 release. Let's face it, this was the first big storyline from the Gates/Igle team and the trade includes Supergirl #34, their first issue on the title.

So I figured I would go to DC Comics and take a look at the actual solicit to see if the cover was complete. Here is the link:

The cover is basically the cover of Supergirl #38, one of the best Josh Middleton covers with a spectral image of Superwoman looming of Kara.

Ahh ... but then I looked at the small print ...

That's right! There will be an introduction to the collection by movie Supergirl, Helen Slater!!

As a Supergirl fan, this is almost too fantastic. I think it is great that Slater has seemed to embrace her role as Supergirl and become more invested in the character. But who would ever think that she would write the foreword to a Supergirl trade??

It is 'bonus material' like this that makes me enjoy buying trades as well as floppies. I can't wait to hear what she has to say.

In prior interviews, Sterling Gates talked about how big an influence the Supergirl movie had on him, something you can see in the book with homages like the alphahedron. So he must be tickled pink to have Slater writing for his book.


  1. Okay the Helen Slater intro alone makes this a must-have item!
    Somewhere in an alternate universe, the Crisis on Infinite Earths didn't cost the Supergirl character her life and place in continuity because the Supergirl TV series with Helen Slater was goin' great guns at the time!
    OKAY enough counterfactual bloviating, Helen's version of Kara is nigh luminous, hard to believe she was nineteen with one profession credit under her belt at the time.
    I hope she milks her connection to Supergirl for every penny, she deserves it.

    John Feer

  2. things like this make me regret buying all the issues. I hope they put it on the DC Source like they did for the final crisis intro

  3. Helen's version of Kara is nigh luminous, hard to believe she was nineteen with one profession credit under her belt at the time.
    I hope she milks her connection to Supergirl for every penny, she deserves it.

    I think that feeling about Slater's Supergirl is universal. There was something magical about that portrayal.

    I can't wait to read the intro.

  4. things like this make me regret buying all the issues. I hope they put it on the DC Source like they did for the final crisis intro

    I wouldn't be surprised if they put it up there.

    Adding this to the pre-order list now...

    BTW, anybody hear from Talos about this, or is he still stuck on Cloud 9? ;) :P

  6. Anj said:
    "I think that feeling about Slater's Supergirl is universal. There was something magical about that portrayal."

    And she never cried once during the movie...

  7. Helen's doing the intro?!

    Man, I've been out for a while...


  8. Actually yes she cried when she first reached the Phantom Zone, look closely, tears.


    John Feer

  9. Gene: BTW, anybody hear from Talos about this, or is he still stuck on Cloud 9? ;) :P

    LOL, still on "cloud 9", heh! :D

    Never in my lifetime would I ever think I'd see the day that DC would have Helen contribute to Supergirl in any capacity but they have and I can't tell you how happy this makes me! BD

    P.S. I want a SUPERWOMAN movie starring Helen in 2011! ;D

  10. WOW!! This is definitely worth getting just for the Helen Slater introduction!! Her portrayal of Supergirl was indeed magical. I'm glad to see that DC reached out to her on this.
