Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Supergirl Annual On the DCU Blog

I have really enjoyed the addition of The Source to the DC Comics web site. It is great to see DC do a better job with publicity for their titles, posting preview pages and promotional images.

This week we got a post reviewing a day in the life of Matt Idelson, editor of the super titles. Here is the link: http://dcublog.dccomics.com/2009/05/29/just-another-day-for-the-superman-group-editor/

It includes preview pages and some teasers about some of the upcoming super issues including a great page from Action Comics. I suggest going over and reading the whole thing.

One thing that obviously caught my eye were these 2 preview pages from the Supergirl Annual, scheduled for a September release.

In the Word Balloon interview with Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle, Gates said there would be several stories in the Annual. One would be "Linda Lang's First Day". Another was going to be "The Secret Origin of Superwoman". These pages are clearly from that story. The art isn't Jamal's. It looks like it could be Fernando Dagnino again.

Look at this page, the day Lucy is born. Big sister Lois is holding her cherubic little body.

And check out General Lane with a big old smile on his face. I guess life has drained him of the happiness.

And then this page which looks like a montage of Lucy's military career. Seems like she has been in some hot zones. I can't wait to read the annual.

For one, I hope it answers some of the questions about Lucy and her decision to become Superwoman. You know I have a lot of questions about Superwoman.

But more importantly, I am interested in seeing more of Linda Lang.


  1. I have an issue with Superwoman's secret origin, I don't think it belongs in a Supergirl book. It should be in a Lois Lane special where she and Kara talk about Lucy. I don't need to know Lucy's life story, I like a little mystery in my villains. A villain with the questions all answered doesn't need to come back after all. I hope its a back up story and the bulk is taken up by Linda Lang's first day.

  2. I don't need to know Lucy's life story, I like a little mystery in my villains. A villain with the questions all answered doesn't need to come back after all. .

    Thanks for the post.

    After setting up this arc as a mystery to be solved, I think that some answers and backstory need to be revealed. If not it seems unfair to the readers who were trying to figure things out.

    I wouldn't mind if some details are left unanswered to keep the intrigue high so that Superwoman remains an interesting character moving forward.

  3. Well, over on facebook Jamal strongly swears by the overall plan Gates has up his sleeve including for Supergirl and Superwoman so I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt to him for now. :/
