Thursday, June 11, 2009

Supergirl #42 Preview On Newsarama

A tremendous 7 page preview of next week's Supergirl #42 is now up on Newsarama. Here is the link: As usual, I will hone in on some panels. Go to the link to see the pages in their entirety.

I have to say it is great to see Jamal Igle's art back on the book. Not that Talent Caldwell or Fernando Dagnino's art was bad. Igle just has the feel of the book.

And it is pretty clear from this preview that my 'possessed by a Kryptonian entity' theory is wrong making me officially '0 for everything' when it came to figuring out this mystery. As a rabid Supergirl fan and old-school comic reader that makes me sad.

Anyways, on to the preview.

General Lane and Agent Assassin are seen scanning the woods where Lucy met her demise for any remains. It is hinted on this first page that Lane may have served under Sgt. Rock. "visage as hard as a rock", "it ain't easy").

Hard to imagine Lane in Easy company but who knows. He is an excellent soldier so I can imagine him being trained by Rock.

But we finally see some fleshed out flashbacks from Superwoman's origin. It does appear that everything from her powers to her apparent Kryptonian DNA are derived from the suit. Already we here that the suit is 'tethered' to her ... an ominous term connoting a strong connection.

Hopefully we will here more about how the suit was created and designed.

And hopefully we also hear about the conditions that made removing the suit possible. When we first met her she was out of the suit.

And then a replay of the famous 'I know who you are' panel. We all guessed Superwoman's panicked face represented fear of Lane, that somehow he was blackmailing her. Now we know that it is fear of the mission that General Lane has given her, to infiltrate Kandor. He clearly loves his soldier daughter which is an interesting aspect of the 'hard as nails' Lane.

Here is the original panel which shows pretty consistent poses and facial expressions. The small font gives this panel the effect of a whisper which may have contributed to my feeling he was blackmailing her about her identity.

Unfortunately only 'tiny bits of flesh and hair' are found. Brrrrr ...

And that makes General Lane angry. Angry to the point that he says he wants to do 'more than kill Kara'. He has something far worse in mind.

Any guesses on a fate worse than death? Ruining her image in the world so she is hated? Banishing her to the Phantom Zone?

But first Kara has to tell Lois that she killed Lucy. Look at Lois' body language. I tell you that Igle's art really adds to the Gates' story here. It is a real marriage of words and images.

I don't know how Lois will feel about all this. Certainly Lucy killed off Agent Liberty and Reactron's girlfriend. And Kara didn't know she would kill Lucy. That said ... blood is thicker than water and Kara just atomized Lois' sister. I wonder how this will impact their relationship and if Kal is somehow stuck in the middle.

We are one week away from the epilogue and hopefully more answers are to come. I don't need every detail explained to me ... just most of them!


  1. It does appear that everything from her powers to her apparent Kryptonian DNA are derived from the suit. Already we here that the suit is 'tethered' to her ... an ominous term connoting a strong connection.

    Hopefully we will here more about how the suit was created and designed.

    And hopefully we also hear about the conditions that made removing the suit possible. When we first met her she was out of the suit.

    Y'know I really have to wonder whether or not the actual Phantom Zone itself has been powering Superwoman's suit to where in the beginning she could take it off and parade around with out it until later on where in Action Comics the Phantom Zone was said to be 'eating itself' which led to Superman releasing Mon-El from it's confines so could the 2 be related? :/

    Unfortunately only 'tiny bits of flesh and hair' are found. Brrrrr ...

    I'm as of now not buying that she's dead proper, Anj. If you re read the last bit mentioned in the solicitation for forthcoming Supergirl Annual it seems to imply Superwoman is coming back. No, what I believe has happened is YES her body may be dead/gone itself but her SOUL itself though is now consisting of the Phantom Zone energy and upon Superwoman returning it's her actual SOUL in the suit we'll be seeing re materialize in the end.

    Any guesses on a fate worse than death? Ruining her image in the world so she is hated? Banishing her to the Phantom Zone?

    Becoming her #1 fan, lol! :P But in all seriousness though, (or at least, as serious one can get when referring to comics) I think he plans on using Supergirl for his own agenda by capturing her and preforming many different types of scientific experiments on her all the while grinning with sickening amusement. After all, what's far more worse then death then never being allowed to be claimed by it but forever to be tortured instead.

    I don't know how Lois will feel about all this. Certainly Lucy killed off Agent Liberty and Reactron's girlfriend. And Kara didn't know she would kill Lucy. That said ... blood is thicker than water and Kara just atomized Lois' sister. I wonder how this will impact their relationship and if Kal is somehow stuck in the middle.

    I believe Lois will have mixed feelings for a LONG while after the reveal but I think she'll come to the eventual conclusion that it was her actual father that really killed her sister and I wouldn't put it past her to probably even attempt to KILL him out of anger, rage, remorse and revenge for doing what he did to Lucy to begin with. And you know what, I for one hope she goes all 'Wonder Woman' on him and snaps his neck for he truly deserves an 'eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth' sentence in the end for Sam Lane gave up his right to be human when he MORE then willingly dragged/brain washed his 2nd born (Lucy) to his own evil agenda so he is a demon in turn and Lois needs to stop him before any other innocent is intentionally killed by his hands.

  2. I don't think Lucy's dead, either. The fact that she seems to appear so heavily in the annual means she's sticking around at least until September, which is quite a ways off...

    Meanwhile, let me just say that this preview's being a placating gesture on behalf of DC for the delayed response to the 20 questions thing Dan Didio does with Newsarama every few weeks... Well, my question (Basically, when in Linda Danvers coming back, since "Reign in Hell" accomplished nothing and was way out of character for her?) is in the top ten recommended ones, and it had better not be ignored! Hooray for shameless plugs!


  3. Jamal Ingle is the second coming of Curt Swan! The plethora of emotional content in each panel is very welcome to me and reminiscent of Swan at his imperial high noon with Murphy Anderson's inks of course.
    As for this book, I freakin' cannot WAIT for this bad baby!
    THIS is the Supergirl I waited 24 year for, mature, resolute, prepared to do the right thing even if it costs her dearly...but still a kid in so many ways.
    Oh and I agree, SW is not dead, she has too much potential as a rival/villainess to be gone ere long.

    Our day has come!
    Kara Uber Alles!


  4. Sorta nice to have Dan Didio offer a Supergirl preview to compensate for a missed interview. It proves that she is still receiving strong support from the very top.

  5. Meanwhile, let me just say that this preview's being a placating gesture on behalf of DC for the delayed response to the 20 questions thing Dan Didio does with Newsarama every few weeks... Well, my question (Basically, when in Linda Danvers coming back, since "Reign in Hell" accomplished nothing and was way out of character for her?) is in the top ten recommended ones, and it had better not be ignored! .

    Yota, I hope he answers that question.

    If he picks that question and answers it, you deserve a prize or something!
