Monday, June 22, 2009

Heroes Convention 2009

It's the beginning part of convention season with 2 of the bigger cons happening simultaneously t his weekend. One was Wizard World Philadelphia. The other was Heroes Con in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Most comic book sites had live feeds from the conventions so news was easy to come by. As usual, I tried to pick and choose the best bits to talk about here.

First off, the DC Panel at Heroes Con was covered over on Newsarama. Here is the link: . Supergirl's own Jamal Igle was one of the panel members. Here is some of what was reported.

Moving to Supergirl, Igle said that “Guiding Day” is the next Supergirl story coming up, in which Supergirl celebrates her birthday, and must choose a Guild on New Krypton. That story will lead to the Codename:Patriot crossover which will kick off with something that happens in World of New Krypton #5.

My guess is that this is a typo and the story should be 'Guilding Day'. Knowing what we have seen in her room, my hope is that Kara will join the Artists' guild. It also would be a nice tribute to Zor-El since we learned he was one the of scientists in the Artists' guild. I hope, for once, Alura supports Supergirl's decision instead of trying to force her into choosing something else.

I also wonder if the choosing of guilds will be explained. Who would ever choose the labor guild? Or are you only given the choices of your parents?

A fan thanked Igle for adding the shorts to Supergirl’s uniform, the artist thanked her for liking them, noting how a simple pair of short under a skirt was very divisive among Supergirl fans.

I wonder if Igle ever gets tired of talking about the shorts? I know I have.

The cool thing is that question was asked by a big Supergirl fan. One of the blogs I always read is 'Adventures of Comic Book Girl' ( ) and it looks like she was the one who prompted Igle to talk about it. Better yet, she did a nice review of her day at the con and further interactions with Igle.

From her blog:

I also took the oppurtunity to assure Jamal Igle that I adored Supergirl's shorts, and he shouldn't listen to what anyone says about them. I kind of wish I hadn't now, because it became a running joke at the panel. Igle had to explain to Sattler what the deal with the shorts was. He also said he "had never seen such a divided between fans over an article of clothing." He said he'd gotten angry emails on the shorts and they were all (predictably) from guys.

I am glad that she echoed support of the shorts to Igle. I have always preferred them.

Other juicy tidbits from the con.

Supergirl will be wearing Kryptonian clothes next issue...

I look forward to seeing what styles of clothes Igle has designed.

He was very pleased when I told him his and Sterling's work had made me like Supergirl, and when I complimented how normal-weight, strong and expressive her drew her, and how he made it possible for me to relate to her and be interested in her. He said that was the best thing I could have said to him.

I hope all fans of the current direction who are at this con (or any con that Igle and Gates are attending) let them know how much the title is appreciated. I hope I have the opportunity to do it at a con sometime soon.


  1. You read my blog? I had no idea! I read your blog all the time, and love it, though I rarely comment! (I do always make sure to link you on WFA!) Anyway, thanks for the shout out, it's flattering. Glad to represent for Supergirl fans.

  2. Oh, and you're right, it was a typo. The title of the arc IS Guilding day.

  3. Cool update, Anj! :)

    Supergirl will be wearing Kryptonian clothes next issue...

    Er, wouldn't that basically be a copy of what Alura has been wearing? :/

  4. You read my blog? I had no idea! I read your blog all the time, and love it, though I rarely comment! (I do always make sure to link you on WFA!) Anyway, thanks for the shout out, it's flattering. Glad to represent for Supergirl fans..

    Thanks for the post and glad you were there to represent!

  5. I think its cool that Gates and Igle are having Supergirl celebrate her birthday the same year as her 50th anniversary. :)
