Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wednesday Comics Supergirl Team Announced

I have been wondering just who the creative team for the Supergirl page of Wednesday Comics will be. Over on CBR, in Lying in the Gutters, the team was named. Here is the link: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=20531

This is just the brave, creative experiment that companies like DC should be taking and they are to be applauded for it. And with the likes of Kyle Baker on Hawkman, and Neil Gaiman and Mike Allred on Metamorpho. Adam and Joe Kubert on Sergeant Rock, Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso on Batman, Sean Galloway on Teen Titans, Joe Quinones on Green Lantern, Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner on Supergirl and Ben Caldwell on Wonder Woman, and John Arcudi, Lee Bermejo, Dave Bullock, Kurt Busiek, Dave Gibbons, Paul Pope, Ryan Sook, Walt Simonson… well, it’s one hell of a sell.

So we finally learn the Supergirl team for Wednesday Comics ...

Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner.

So what do people think?

I was really hoping for Walt Simonson or Ryan Sook.

But Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner ...

I certainly didn't like their first take on Kara ... the much vilified 'rave dancing' issue, Supergirl #12, what I consider the worst issue of the current series. And that says something since there is an issue with Kara killing her classmates on Krypton.

As I have said before, it seemed like that issue was written more to build up Terra at the expense of Kara. Supergirl was really portrayed as apathetic to the common man and more interested in hedonism than heroics.

I saw Palmiotti was writing Superman/Supergirl:Maelstrom but I went in with an open mind. While I felt that there were some fine moments in the mini-series overall, and despite mind-numbingly beautiful art by Phil Noto, I thought it didn't quite satisfy. I will say again that each issue of that mini improved over the last. It may have been an upgrade from Supergirl #12 but the characterization of Kara was just off.

I am really really going to hope that the third time is the charm. I truly enjoy Palmiotti's work in just about everything non-Supergirl ... Jonah Hex, Uncle Sam, etc. My gut tells me that I am going to be impressed with this effort.

One thing I am not worried about is the artwork.

Amanda Conner really has a fun upbeat style perfectly suited for Power Girl. And she has always done a cute 'girl next door' Supergirl. Remember this piece in support of saving Jerry Siegel's home?

Given the other names and the format, I am definitely going to get Wednesday Comics. I am just hoping the Supergirl pages are a high point.

So what do you guys think of the announced team?


  1. I must be in the minority, I loved the rave issue.
    Yeah I'm pleased with Amanda Connor on art, but not so pleased with Palmiotti, due to the Malestrom mini being odd. We shall see. I think good art goes a long way to rectify bad writing.

  2. same here....

    Conner's great with the art. She brings a fun tone to it..

    but Palmiotti, I'm just uneasy with his stuff... He wrote the "rave-Supergirl" previously in Supergirl #12, right?

    ...I'd prefer Gate's work to his.


  3. mm, can't say as i'm looking forward to this team coming on supergirl again. i, too, enjoyed palmiotti/grey's work on 'uncle sam & the freedom fighters', and i'm looking forward to this team on 'power girl' (enjoyed connor's previous powergirl story in jsa classified(??)), but i didn't enjoy their previous supergirl... nonetheless, i will be getting this comic, mainly for the supergirl story...

  4. There is nothing stopping us from putting a little positive pressure on the creative team to treat Kara with some respect....

    John Feer

  5. I am going to defend Supergirl 12...we based the story, which by the way, we had to end in one issue, on what were were given before it. sure, its easy to flush out a character in 2, 3...or even 12 issues, but we had one and we dug in and had some fun with the characters. we were not allowed to change anything or mess with continuity... and yes, it was suppose to introduce another character, Terra.

    again, not by our choice, but we did the best we can and had fun doing it.

    THE supergirl/superman book was suppose to be a superman confidential title as well.

    if you are wondering what we are going to do for the wed. comics, well...amanda and i shooting for "classic" supergirl. you will read more when it gets closer to the dates of release.

    and yeah, i read this page all the time! hi!


  6. I must be in the minority, I loved the rave issue.
    Yeah I'm pleased with Amanda Connor on art, but not so pleased with Palmiotti, due to the Malestrom mini being odd. We shall see. I think good art goes a long way to rectify bad writing.

    I agree that Conner's art is great.

    My problem with the rave issue was that it really felt like a Terra issue guest starring Supergirl rather than the other way around.

    I may be in the minority in those who didn't like it. But that was in the midst of the 'kill Kal-El' stuff. I was down on the series then.

  7. THE supergirl/superman book was suppose to be a superman confidential title as well.

    if you are wondering what we are going to do for the wed. comics, well...amanda and i shooting for "classic" supergirl. you will read more when it gets closer to the dates of release.

    and yeah, i read this page all the time! hi!


    Whoa ... thanks for the post!

    As I have said here, there were parts of Maelstrom that I thought worked and parts that I thought didn't.

    But I did think at times there you got Kara's voice right. Malestrom's Kara seemed more in line with what I want in Supergirl than the Loeb/Kelly Kara you were building on in SG#12.

    So hearing you say you are going for a 'classic Supergirl' in Wednesday Comics fills me with optimism.

    Thanks again for posting and honored you stop by here!

  8. Man, you never know who will drop by here! :D

    I really like Amanda Connor's work with what she has done with Power Girl, Wonder Woman, and Supergirl. In fact, the one thing I did like about the rave issue was a panel of Supergirl flying through the air with both hands on her head with an extreme expression of anxiety on her face. Connor has a talent for conveying superhero stress...

  9. Man doesn't she just! :D

    Seriously looking forward to this! 8D

    Jimmy Palmiotti said...
    if you are wondering what we are going to do for the wed. comics, well...amanda and i shooting for "classic" supergirl. you will read more when it gets closer to the dates of release.

    Er, classic Supergirl? In what way do you mean by that exactly? Y'mean come her overall look or characterization itself instead? :/

    and yeah, i read this page all the time! hi!


    And we all truly appreciate you kindly doing so, Mr. Palmiotti! :D

  10. I really didn't read Supergirl 12 as a Terra book - I thought it was a great one off story and loved seeing how Kara spent her free time..I was thinking of basing my Kara fancy dress outfit on the club scene..
    In fact, I thought the one off issues were the strongest of the first 18 or so issues.

  11. Yeah but "properly written", Supergirl should not have to be cajoled into doing her job by the book's nominal guest star.
    I can see her doing raves and parties...but the indifference she was showing to danger and peril to others seemed very out of character.
    To me, Superman IS the job, he was born to it even as he was raised as a American farm-boy, that is his glory and his burden.
    Supergirl on the other hand, LOVES the job. Her experience of the doom of the Kryptonians was absorbed as post traumatic stress...the key symptom of which is a feeling of helplessness.
    Now match that feeling of helplessness with nigh unlimited super-powers and suddenly the horrors that burden her can be overcome again and again.
    Or thass how I see's it anyways...

    The Wednesday comics do sound interesting if a tad retro, I'll be buying.
    All power to the Kara Soviets
    No Superman without Supergirl
    Tomorrow belongs to SHE!

    John Feer

  12. that makes sense Jimmy P., now that I look at it...

    I'm definetly looking foward to seeing what you and Amanda Conner come up with in the next issues. So.. I probably have my mind changed by then...

    So, good luck!


