Monday, January 26, 2009

Sean Phillips Commission

The New York Comic Con is a couple of weeks away and unfortunately I will be unable to attend.

At best, I would only have been able to attend for a day. But I was hoping I would have been able to go to shake hands with some of my favorite creators and industry legends. There are sooo many people there I would love to meet - Jamal Igle, Al Plastino, Ted McKeever, Brian Bolland - the list is endless.

As usual, a very good friend of mine is going and will try to procure me a couple of commissions. Mr. Igle will be at the top of my wish list. Since I will be getting some new additions to my collection soon, I thought I'd post one I got last year.

I try to target artists whose work I really love. A Supergirl commission doesn't always mesh with their particular styles, but I have to say that usually makes for an interesting piece.

Take the one above, done by one of my absolute favorites Sean Phillips. Phillips is best known for noirish titles like Sleeper, Criminal, and now Incognito. I love those books. And I love his art in those books. So when he appeared at a New York Comic Con last year, I asked my buddy if he could grab me a commission and I got this great piece.

I really think Phillips does great femme fatales - always very sultry. And this Kara is no different.

I had an idea what his take on her would be. After all, Phillips did this issue in Peter David's run.

Anyways, I will hope to get some new commissions and will scan and post thereafter.


  1. Man that's a truly gorgeous commission of Supergirl ya got's there, Anj! :D

    Truly sorry to hear about you not being able to attend this year's specific con as you'd like too. Here's to you fortunately at least getting to spend A day there rather then nothing. :/

  2. Thanks for sharing as always.


    While the commissions people usually ask me to draw feature Supergirl in trouble, a few days ago I got ask to do a commission of her in battle:


  3. Thanks for sharing as always.


    While the commissions people usually ask me to draw feature Supergirl in trouble, a few days ago I got ask to do a commission of her in battle:

    Thanks for the post. Nice commission with Mary Marvel and Lobo.

    Most of my commissions tend to be Kara flying serenely. The only action one I have is by Ben Dunn and is her walloping a Brainiac-like robot.
