Monday, September 15, 2008

Preview Pages of Action Comics #869

AintItCool has the first 4 pages of Action Comics #869 previewed. Even though we are only a couple a days away from the issue being released, it is still worth taking a peek. It definitely whets the appetite. Here is the link:

Geoff Johns and Gary Frank have definitely re-invigorated Kara with their protrayal of her in Action Comics. Even in these 4 pages we see they continue to keep her on the right track of a heroic young woman.

First they show a natural response to her being confronted by Brainiac, the Kryptonian version of the Boogey Man. Yeah, she looks a little scared here as the Brainiac probes advance against her and Lois on the Daily Planet roof. And using heat vision as a range weapon makes sense, a way of both attacking Brainiac but keeping her distance.

I love this response though. When heat vision turns out to be useless, and even when Lois tells her to fly away, Kara does the right thing. She rolls up her sleeves and decides to get her hands dirty. It's time to confront the demon who killed so many on Krypton. It's time to fight Brainiac. It's okay that she invokes Kal's name when she does so. Kal didn't give up ... so neither should she.

It's worth a close up to once again showcase Gary Frank's excellent artwork.
These pages were as close to perfect as you can get. Here we see a heroic young woman not only facing her fears but confronting them head on. This is just what I am hoping to see with Supergirl ... that growth of a hero.

With Geoff Johns helping Sterling Gates write the Supergirl title, I think we are all in for one hell of a year.
Of course, a full review will be up later this week.


  1. go, kara!! woohoo!! issue, here we come...
    beautiful art, as always, but i'll keep myself spoiler-free and not read the text...
    one of my yay-art quirks is to see well-drawn hair, and this is some nice hair, from both ladies. goes up there with ian churchill and matthew clark... a lot of the time, artists will give you only a hint at hairstyle or, even worse, just a mop. but a well thought-out hairdo does add to a character.

  2. go, kara!! woohoo!! issue, here we come...
    beautiful art, as always, but i'll keep myself spoiler-free and not read the text...

    Thanks for the post.

    I don't think you'll be disappointed when you read the lines. Kara is going to kick some tail!

    one of my yay-art quirks is to see well-drawn hair, and this is some nice hair, from both ladies. goes up there with ian churchill and matthew clark...

    I agree. When artists take the time to pencil tendrils and ringlets, and add some kinetics to hair, it adds so much.

    Gary Frank is great.

  3. The look on her face in that next-to-last panel reminds me of another panel in another Crisis.

    "I won't allow it! You hear me!?!"

  4. The look on her face in that next-to-last panel reminds me of another panel in another Crisis.

    "I won't allow it! You hear me!?!"

    Thanks for the post and nice observation.

    Might be worth a side by side when I review the issue. Thanks for the idea.

  5. I think I've waited 23 years for a moment like this...CAN'T WAIT to see this issue!!!

    Although I fear KAra will end up shrunk inside "The Bottle City of Metropolis"...but then micrro-DG buzzing around inside could have all kinds of consequences for Brainiac...bad ones I think.

    John Feerr

  6. I think I've waited 23 years for a moment like this...CAN'T WAIT to see this issue!!!

    Thanks for the post!

    Same here. I have been waiting for Kara to show that sort of passion while doing what is right.

    I got a sense of it when Puckett had her trailing that alien ship, but this scene ... it is just more visceral.

    I can't wait!

  7. Anj said...
    The look on her face in that next-to-last panel reminds me of another panel in another Crisis.

    "I won't allow it! You hear me!?!"

    Thanks for the post and nice observation.

    Might be worth a side by side when I review the issue. Thanks for the idea.

    Dudes! I was thinking the exact same thing upon first seeing that specific panel too! Hmmmm, I wonder, could it have been an intentional wink to us longtime Supergirl fans on the artist part, eh? :)

    Also, this issue frickin' kicked major-ass! W00T! Rao how I loved it!

    Can't wait to check your review, anj!
