Monday, August 25, 2008

Smallville Prayers Answered

Holy Cow!

Check this out from !! It is a brief report on the site ... what you read below is the entire article. But it shows good things can come in short reports!

According to reports from Toronto's "Fan Expo", actress Laura Vandervoort, who played 'Kara', aka "Supergirl", in Season 7 of the Vancouver-lensed, CW TV series "Smallville", will be featured in a Season 8 episode. "In October, I'm shooting," Vandervoort said during a panel alongside actor Michael "Lex Luthor" Rosenbaum. "They've asked me to tie up my storyline...."

Sounds like Kara will get out of the Phantom Zone!! All I can say is 'thank goodness'. How horrible would it have been if she stayed there? How is that honoring all the heroic things she did during the season.

Anyways, everybody give themselves a pat on the back! Maybe the powers that be over at Smallville felt our negative mental vibes. Or maybe they heard our collective on-line pleas. We were certainly loud enough!


  1. This is hardly good news, more than likely given Smallville's declining ratings, they will kill her off or else depower, mindwipe and ship Kara off to beauty school in Kansas City.
    But THANK GOD the Green frickin' Arrow is on track to get HIS spin off series!!!!!!!
    Honestly, the best thing that could happen here is for Smallville to be cancelled before Vandervoort's ep can be shot, that way we can remember her portrayal of Kara Zor El with fondness and nostalgia without the intrusion of a cheap heat ratings stunt like Supergirl's funeral.

    Sorry...but this is the third time an SG series has slipped past us, I've grown cynical and vengeful.

    John Feer

  2. I consider it good news.

    There is the possibility of Kara facing off against Smallville's version of the Anti-Monitor, but hopefully the character will just go off to "find herself" and leave open the possibility of another appearance should the series return *gag* for yet another season or be *double-gag* spun-off.

    At least she won't be stuck in the Phantom Zone.

  3. Honestly, the best thing that could happen here is for Smallville to be cancelled before Vandervoort's ep can be shot, that way we can remember her portrayal of Kara Zor El with fondness and nostalgia without the intrusion of a cheap heat ratings stunt like Supergirl's funeral.

    Sorry...but this is the third time an SG series has slipped past us, I've grown cynical and vengeful.

    While they have never really known what to do with Kara on the show, I am a bit more optimistic.

    I hope they finish her story well and do her justice.

  4. hopefully the character will just go off to "find herself" and leave open the possibility of another appearance should the series return *gag* for yet another season or be *double-gag* spun-off.

    At least she won't be stuck in the Phantom Zone.

    Initially there were rumors of a Supergirl spin-off. This episode with here is tentatively scheduled as episode 9 with Johns' Legion episode slated as episode 8. Maybe Kara mirrors her DC Animated version and heads to the future to join the Legion.

  5. Well to me the hallmark of Smallville from day #1 has been bad writing bolstered by Tom Welling's nigh torpid performance style. So if we extrapolate along those lines it's easy to suspect that since Smallville has " never known what to do with the character" that the easiest and most profitable decision will be to kill her off.
    On a related note, there are indications that the Superman film franchise is to be much you wanna be that the WB will offer the big screen role to Welling?
    So we can watch that slack jaw of his fall open on the Imax screen in scintillating color!

    John Feer

  6. So if we extrapolate along those lines it's easy to suspect that since Smallville has " never known what to do with the character" that the easiest and most profitable decision will be to kill her off.

    I can't imagine they would kill her off ... although it would be shaded of COIE #7 as Fortress Keeper mentioned.

    I think they would rather keep her 'around' for potential spinoffs in the future.

    I am thrilled they were able to get Laura Vandervoort back for the episode.

  7. They killed her once, why shouldn't it be easier each successive time?

    Ach I'm getting angry and cynical, I'd like to believe Smallville will do the right thing but the Supergirl fanbase has been teased and betrayed so many times now....

    John Feer

  8. hopefully the character will just go off to "find herself" and leave open the possibility of another appearance should the series return *gag* for yet another season or be *double-gag* spun-off.

    At least she won't be stuck in the Phantom Zone.

    Initially there were rumors of a Supergirl spin-off. This episode with here is tentatively scheduled as episode 9 with Johns' Legion episode slated as episode 8. Maybe Kara mirrors her DC Animated version and heads to the future to join the Legion.

    God it sucks that we just get her for 1 frickin ep come season 8 of this so called "show" about the Supers themselves! UGH! *Sighs* Anyways, like you anj my hoping is for her being recruited via the Legion of Smallville's continuity as their Supergirl (costume and all) member proper if anything. :)

  9. Anyways, like you anj my hoping is for her being recruited via the Legion of Smallville's continuity as their Supergirl (costume and all) member proper if anything. :)

    Boy ... I would *LOVE* to see the Legion and her in costume. That would be fantastic.

  10. I hate the fact that it's only ONE episode. But I guess I should be grateful because that's better than nothing.

    She said that she was supposed to have her spin off series but it didn't work out. Didn't work out?? Why???

    Anyways hopefully she'll get her series when season 8 ends.

  11. Ouch.

    "They've asked me to tie up my storyline...."

    How can you "tie up" a storyline that never got off the ground? (or barely, before being aborted multiple times). Unbelievable. I just gotta shake my head at these people and wonder what parallel universe their heads are in.

    On the one hand I'm delighted she's coming back - lots of thanks for posting this, because I'm avoiding all Smallville related outlets =) On the other, I'm incredibly disappointed, because initially I thought she'd be a regular in S8, then when that fell thru I was sure she'd at least have a few episodes. And now they want to bring her back just to write her out for good =(

  12. I hate the fact that it's only ONE episode. But I guess I should be grateful because that's better than nothing.

    That is my attitude. At least she won't be stuck in the Phantom Zone.

  13. On the other, I'm incredibly disappointed, because initially I thought she'd be a regular in S8, then when that fell thru I was sure she'd at least have a few episodes. And now they want to bring her back just to write her out for good =(

    Well, as mentioned in lots of places, the writers just didn't know what to do with Kara.

    When she was of her right mind, she was simply more pro-active and heroic than the glum Clark. And you couldn't have that.

    But, to have her mind-wiped also seemed like a waste.

    So they dumped her in the Phantom Zone. At least the writers will spring her from that.

  14. All I know is Vandervoort did a better job playing a Superhero than did Welling whose character is mired in self pity and torpidity. Since the show is all about Clark's dilatory progress to becoming a hero Kara was written out.

    John Feer
