Monday, September 4, 2023

Review: Superboy Man Of Tomorrow #5

Superboy Man of Tomorrow #5 came out last week, the penultimate issue of this six issue mini-series focusing on Conner trying to find his place in a new universe. 

This book has really been a nice surprise for me. I was unsure what to expect. The creative team of Kenny Porter and Jahnoy Lindsay was new to me. But this has been a pretty good dive into Conner's persona. There has been a lot to mull over.

Superboy is sort of struggling between lapsing back into his brash 'Metropolis Kid' mode or move forward and try to become, well, the Man of Tomorrow in the title. What I have liked is how Porter has shown Conner struggle with this personal growth. His desire to be something relevant led him into space. He lapsed into his old self, brash and loud. But now, in this issue, faced with a true evil, he has to basically mature. All that has been handled very well. But what I like is the villain of the piece, Travv, is sort of a Conner through a glass darkly. The ending of this issue drives the point home. Very nice character growth in this series.

Lindsay's art has been a fun mix of manga style and more traditional comic fare. His battle scenes are energetic fun. But for me the best thing is that Lindsay definitely draws a young looking Conner. He looks like a teen, someone who would be struggling with his identity.

One more issue to go! On to some details.

Last issue, Travv embraced a 'might makes right' attitude, controlling the minds of some of Dominator X's experiments to go on a bloody warpath trying to kill his former captor.

Now, that 'right' seems 'wrong' as he is willing to slaughter innocents in his way to get to Dominator. To him, a few dead bodies now to protect the many Dominator X might hurt is fine.

Thankfully, even his own Cosmoteer teammates can see his madness.

Remember, Travv considers himself a created 'living weapon', something Conner has been called in the past. But this is a dark turn.

As for Superboy, he has been rescued by a couple of youths who have been inspired by his prior work with the Cosmoteers. 

I love this scene where Conner realizes just how bad things are. And he has no one to blame but himself. He curses himself because he cannot curse anyone else. It shows how now he is acknowledging some responsibility in matters. He isn't a kid any more.

Great primal scream title page by Lindsay. You feel Conner being wracked with anger and shame. 

Usually we get some Pa Kent wisdom when our heroes are in the dump. 

Instead, one of the kids who rescued Conner imparts some 'wisdom' he got from his father, a sort of Pa Kent stand-in. You fall down, you get back up. 

I'm a sucker for Pa Kent wisdom so I liked this.

Perhaps these youths are a bit too capable. They heal Conner, impart Pa Kent wisdom, and even fix his smashed teleportation/communication gauntlet.

Conner gets in touch with Kelex to try and get things back on track.

But it is the second panel that really is a turning point. Conner isn't going to be the kid he was anymore. He has to become the man he is going to be tomorrow.

It's time for Conner to face off against Travv. 

But his words are pretty powerful here. Yes, he wants to stop Travv and the mindless slaughter. But he also says he is willing to die to inspire hope again. 

That sounds like Superman.

In the brawl, it appears that Travv dies. But instead we see that he downloads himself into the body of a Kryptonian clone.

If you needed to know that one of the themes of this book is Conner fighting himself, this ending hits you over the head with it. Can a Kryptonian clone built to be a living weapon defeat a ... well ... a Kryptonian clone built to be a living weapon but who has also developed a conscience and a heroic persona. 

Nice cliffhanger. Things are set up for a finale. And I am really enjoying this 'coming of age' plot!

Overall grade: B


  1. William Ashley VaughanSeptember 5, 2023 at 1:13 AM

    This is an interesting idea. Obviously, we all want a new Supergirl ongoing done right before anything else. However a Kara/Martian Manhunter team up book or specials wouldn't be a bad second best.

  2. Cyborg Superboy! Cyborg Superboy!. I loved the cliffhanger so much. I can't wait to see how this story ends, but it's nice to see the "dark mirror of the Super" theme start up again, like Kenan with Emperor Super-Man, Clark with... well all of them (Zod, Cyborg Supes, Eradicator, Bizarro). I miss the 90's conception of Match, he was a lot more spiteful and caustic than a Bizarro knockoff, so Travv feels in line with that.
