Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year's Day from Supergirl Comic Box Commentary!

Over the rest of this week, I'll be covering the 'best of' Supergirl in 2018. It will be a three day adventure.

1/2: Best of 2018 - the non-comic stuff
1/3: Best Supergirl comic moments of 2018 - honorable mentions, #10-#6
1/4: Best Supergirl comic moments of 2018 - #5-#1

Should be a fun look back and as always, I love to hear your thoughts.

As for me, I tend to look back at the site over the last year to see how it went.

Seems like the blog is on autopilot sometimes with reviews, show reviews, sales, solicits, and back issue lookbacks falling into place like magic. And I am pretty happy with the fact that I put out 256 posts over the year. This will sound horribly self-congratulatory, but not bad for a little fan site run by one guy.

The site itself remained popular. At least using the free stat counter, it looks like in 2018, I hit around 640K visits. The site crossed over the 4 million page views back in October. If I use Blogger's stats, which are a bit more stringent I guess, it says I had over 390K hits. Either way, not bad.

So thanks to everyone who comes here. Hope the site remains as robust in 2019 as it has been!

Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year and thanks for your incredible site.

    By the way, just yesterday I found my big sister watching the "Elseworlds" Supergirl's episode. I couldn't believe it when I saw Kara talking Alex down. I never knew she watched Supergirl. Or was overly fond of American comic-books for that matter. We don't even live in USA. Amazing.

  2. A very Happy NewYear to you and all my fellow fans! I wonder what everyone’s hopes are for Kara in 2019. I want to see her back on Earth, with her supporting characters, and not working for any organisation.

  3. A Happy New Year to everyone over here. It was a good 2018 for Kara and hopefully her 60th anniversary will be celebrated with the necessary pomp as well. DC I am counting on you, don't fail me this time atleast.

  4. If DC doesn't want to celebrate her 60th Anniversary...I say we do something right here :)


  5. Thanks for comments!

    Love the idea of a 60th anniversary celebration!

    End of March!

  6. Happy New Year to all! Thanks again for another wonderful year, Anj! Here's to many more, and to more Supergirl in 2019!


  7. Professor FeetlebaumJanuary 1, 2019 at 10:22 PM

    "I want to see her back on Earth, with her supporting characters, and not working for any organization."

    Agree 100%! Some consistency would be nice. Any new writers should build on what is already established and not feel like they have to radically change things. And please, no more dark, angry Supergirls! She doesn't have to be Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, but she shouldn't be the Incredible Hulk either.

    For 2019, I'd like to see sales getting better and steadier, taking the book out of the cancellation danger zone, a Bronze Age Omnibus, some appearances in other DC comics, another team up with Batgirl, and another annual. I wonder how Kara would fit in with Bendis's new Young Justice book?

    As for the 60th anniversary, I will not be surprised if DC does SOMETHING to commemorate it, and I will not be surprised if DC does NOTHING to commemorate it. Hopefully, they will mark the anniversary in some way. A "Supergirl, a Celebration of 60 Years" book would be good. Maybe a series of variant covers featuring great events in Supergirl history. I wonder if San Diego Comic Con has anything planned?

  8. John (somewhere in England)January 2, 2019 at 7:06 AM

    Happy New Year, Anj! I still love to visit this website and look forward to whatever Supergirl news 2019 might bring.
