Monday, November 27, 2017

Review: Action Comics #992

Action Comics #992 came out last week and was the epilogue to the The Oz Effect. In this issue, Superman does some soul searching as he comes to terms with the idea that his father is not who he thought he was. It makes sense. This is a life changing event for Superman and therefore should be explored.

It is interesting for me that Superman decides to dive deep into a 'nature vs. nurture' thought process about Jor-El. Clark keeps thinking about what it means for him if Jor-El is not the magnanimous soul he thought he was. In some ways, I suppose I can understand Superman rethinking this deeply. In other ways, it seems like just a little navel gazing. He didn't know Jor-El. He wasn't raised by him. This isn't Pa Kent. Maybe ... maybe ... if Oz turned out to be Pa then this much introspection would be needed. That would be a big turn for Jonathan Kent. But instead, Superman wonders how seeing Jor-El act this way means he might turn as well. Okay ... I suppose I can roll with the idea that this idealized vision of an unknown father being shattered could shake a man.

Plotter Dan Jurgens and writer Rob Williams decide to lean into it. Superman isn't even sure if believes this was Jor-El. But more importantly, they have Superman's friends decide to approach him to help. In this universe, Superman is the inspiration. So I was glad to see so many people approach him given how many times he has helped them. It's great.

And Will Conrad is on art and brings a fine line to the proceedings which gives the whole issue a nice polished feel.

On to the book.

The issue opens up with a scene of a frustrated Superman trying to get a sense of just how deep the roots of Jor-El go in his life. We see that Kelex still considers itself the assistant of Jor-El.

And that is just a metaphor for the questions he is asking about himself. How deep does this corruption of Jor-El go. He is asking what he is if Jor-El can be so heartless about the common man.

It ends with Superman lashing out by smashing a table in the lab.

We aren't used to Superman having a temper. We certainly aren't used to him being frustrated to the point of destroying furniture. So this is the hook we need as readers to get a sense of how much this is bothering him. The simple answer is 'a lot'.

The first person we see who tries to help him? Batman.

This made me smile. I still have some mental twitches over the recent years where these guys seemed to hate each other. Since Rebirth, we are much closer to a true World's Finest friendship. So I am glad that Clark's 'best friend' is the one to come and help him work through this.

And, in particular, Bruce can help. The recent Button storyline had Bruce come face to face with the Flashpoint Batman, his father. And that isn't the Thomas Wayne of this Earth by any means. Batman can empathize!

But before this can go far, a crisis arises. Superman again has to go and save refugees being attacked by an totalitarian government.

The ripple effect of all this goes into Superman's personal life. Perry White is wondering where his star reporter Clark Kent is. Because he hasn't been at work for a while.

Luckily Lois is there to cover. She basically lies and says Clark is in deep cover, on the story she is working on. Convenient.

But this isn't easy for Lois either. She can't like what Clark is going through but she will support his dealing with it however she can.

Superman is worried that some threat is tampering with time. How else could Jor-El have survived?

So he heads to Oa where he gets help from his other friend Green Lantern. They have Tomar Re's tapes of Krypton's destruction. So Clark asks to see if any other rocket escaped.

The tape is jumbled. We don't get a clear view. Someone is tampering with time. And that is some heavy stuff.

I do wonder if Superman has seen this tape before. Wouldn't you think he would have by now? I suppose he would want to see it again to make sure nothing changed.

That means he has to investigate more.

He heads home and confesses to Lois all his worries. If Jor-El is a killer, what will he become? Is there evil in him? What if someone is changing time?

Thankfully, Lois is there to brush all that away. She tells him he is the best father. And he is enough of a reporter to know he needs to go get the story.

I love this pair. I love how they support each other. I love how they love each other. And to think just a couple of years ago, this wasn't around.

So if someone is messing with time, especially about the end of Krypton, Superman will go back in time and poke around. So he heads to the JLHQ, finds the Cosmic Treadmill, and heads back.

I'm sure this will end well. Let me go back in time and head to the red sun planet where I have no power and see if time has been tampered with realizing that I myself could be tampering with time.

It also feels like one of those Silver Age stories where Superman always seemed to be looking back or visiting.

And then there is a cliffhanger.

Booster Gold shows up to try and stop Superman from heading back. This visit could collapse the timeline.

Jurgens writing Booster Gold will always be magical. Seeing a current Superman visit Krypton could be interesting. I don't know if I 100% understand the personal angst Superman is feeling about Jor-El. But I can understand him not liking that his birth father is a villain.

At the very least, it makes sense that Superman should be following up on this. This wouldn't be a chapter in his life that would simple pass. And so this coda makes sense for the character.

Overall grade: B/B+


  1. The artwork is great, but the Oz storyline has been, IMO, a letdown and I'm still annoyed that Kara is still absent. If Superman is so worried about his father, why he doesn't ask Kara what Jor-El was like? But no, let's head to Oa to consult the Green Lantern Corps instead.

    I'll bet Zor-El and his family not even are mentioned during the flashback. It's annoying.

    Nowadays I'm reading "New Krypton" again. Love them or hate them, those issues showed Supergirl being close to Superman and a part of his life. I miss it.

  2. I thought 'where's Kara' would come up again. I suspect she's not here because it would hang a lantern on the recent similar shenanigans with Zor-El. I like the 'Ask Kara about Jor-El' idea, but wasn't she a toddler when Argo blasted off the main planet? And anyway, didn't he apparently go bonkers after she might have known him?

  3. I love New Krypton, Geoff Johns knows the characters of the Universe and how to interact between them in a way that makes sense. Not only did he not consult Kara, but when Superman watches Krypton explode he explicitly expects nothing but him getting out of there, No Kara, no Argo City. I am done with Action Comics til they change creative team.

  4. "I like the 'Ask Kara about Jor-El' idea, but wasn't she a toddler when Argo blasted off the main planet?"

    In Post-Crisis and Post-Flashpoint continuity she was fifteen.

    If we're talking about Earth-One, she hadn't been born yet.

    Earth-Two Kara was a baby when she was blasted off into space.

    "And anyway, didn't he apparently go bonkers after she might have known him?"

    When this happened? I'm sorry, I don't remember the issue.

    "I love New Krypton, Geoff Johns knows the characters of the Universe and how to interact between them in a way that makes sense."

    Yes, I find funny how a number of fans over on CBR hate Johns' run and declare he doesn't get Superman and his stories are mediocre at best. I thought he got Superman just fine.

    "Not only did he not consult Kara, but when Superman watches Krypton explode he explicitly expects nothing but him getting out of there, No Kara, no Argo City."

    Yes, it's tiresome.

    Right when Supergirl is getting a tv-show, she's treated as a non-entity in the DC Universe and the Super-books. Someone remembers when she showed up regularly in the Super-books, was a Leaguer and had strong ties with several heroes?

    I tried to give Jurgens the benefit of the doubt. But I've run out of patience.

  5. Great comments all.

    I have to agree that the absence of Supergirl in this book when she could give context about Jor-El is a sore point.

    And I didn't even think about the tape of Krypton not showing Argo City getting blasted away or Kara's rocket.

    I suppose Jurgens might not be super in the know about the current Supergirl history but that should be what an editor is there for.

  6. "I suppose Jurgens might not be super in the know about the current Supergirl history but that should be what an editor is there for."

    Or maybe he just doesn't care. As retelling the new origin, Kara was mentioned a single time but never made a full appearance. Forgettable 90's story arcs and lame villains like Conduit apparently merit mention, but Kara Zor-El doesn't do.

    I'm fed up with it.

  7. Thanks Anon, I’d forgotten the relative ages of the various Kara’s... I can’t wait until the end of Rebirth restores Kara’s classic origin - raised on Argo City, that one I could remember. Surely it will?

    As for Joe-El going mad, I meant in the storyline we’ve just had, he lost it after Dr Manhattan (we think) grabbed him from Krypton’s destruction.

  8. I can get the complaint behind Oz not going after Supergirl being weird if he really is Jor-El but I don’t agree with Supergirl not being close or connected with Superman currently. Their relationship has been better than it’s been since the start of the New 52. Just because they don’t interact every month doesn’t diminish how friendly their relationship is now. And personally I find New Krypton to be a somewhat flawed Superman storyline that lost steam after Johns stepped off so I’ll take what we’re getting now in Superman comics.


  9. This is the 2nd time I've seen that casino spam post, and every time, I think it's a weird numbers station thing.

    So... I guess that whole "battle for Superboy's SOUL" thing is getting swept under the rug as quickly/lazily as it was "resolved" last issue? Or is it just gonna be more fodder for the next big crossover, wherein they try yet again to justify fridging a kid? I guess like Kara, we aren't supposed to care about any members of the Super family other than Superman, so this kind of laziness is okay.

  10. " Just because they don’t interact every month doesn’t diminish how friendly their relationship is now."

    Their relationship is virtually non-existent. It's not a matter of interacting "every month". It has been one year and half since the beginning of Rebirth. Kal and Kara have interacted "twice". I understand Kara not showing up in that Deathstroke story. But in "The Effect Oz"? Or when Eradicator assaulted Clark's family? And almost every time Superman's origin is re-examined, no one mentions Zor-El, Alura and Kara. Or Argo City. Or someone other than Kal-El surviving. And Superman hardly mentions her. Every time he talks about his family, it's Lois, Jon and maaaaaaaybe Krypto. Kara Zor-El is irrelevant right now.

    And I remember what happened the last time she was turned into an irrelevant character who never shows up in the Superman core books. So I don't like.

    "And personally I find New Krypton to be a somewhat flawed Superman storyline that lost steam after Johns stepped off"

    Of course it's flawed. No one is disputing that. But it was pretty good, and back then Supergirl did matter. She was fully integrated in the Super-books in addition to star in her own adventures, and have close ties to other heroes. Now we have nothing of that. Yes, she's teamed up with Babs... twice after six years. How many times she and Steph teamed up prior to Flashpoint?

    "so I’ll take what we’re getting now in Superman comics."

    Your choice. Thing is, the current books are also flawed and rather disappointing; and unlike that era Supergirl is a non-factor. So I'll take New Krypton and the 2008-2011 years.

    "So... I guess that whole "battle for Superboy's SOUL" thing is getting swept under the rug as quickly/lazily as it was "resolved" last issue? Or is it just gonna be more fodder for the next big crossover, wherein they try yet again to justify fridging a kid? I guess like Kara, we aren't supposed to care about any members of the Super family other than Superman, so this kind of laziness is okay."

    True. DC doesn't know what to do with Superman, let alone his family.

    This is because I shake my head when some Post-Crisis fans demand a Linda Danvers book. DC mistreats Kara the whole time and you expect them to treat Linda with care and respect?

  11. I will agree to some comments about Kara be missing but this is not exactly a surprise nowadays,I wonder if this is because of the TV show,Superman only appeared 2 times in Supergirl's HQ too.
