Thursday, July 20, 2017


We are rapidly approaching my convention season and while Boston Comic Con has always been my main show, this year the incredible guest list for the nearby Terrificon lured me across state borders.

I am very excited for this show and have really had a hard time preparing for it. There are some great creators going to this show. As I have said in prior convention posts, I try to limit the books I take to get signed by a creator to a maximum of 10. But some of my favorite creators, who I have followed for decades, are coming to this show. And so limiting my sig list to the aformentioned 10 books has become something of a conundrum!

And, as usual, there are some artists at the show that I am hoping to grab commissions from. As usual, it is all about the timing. I haven't been able to line anything up beforehand so far so I also think I will need a little luck.

So who am I going to see?

The big name draws for the convention are Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. I love both guys works and luckily I have met them both before at prior cons. So for me, it is the veteran creators who I have never met or only met once that are the grab.

Perhaps the biggest draw for me as a fan is finally being able to meet Keith Giffen! I have been a huge fan of Giffen for about 35 years. The Legion, the 5YL Legion, JLA 3000, Doom Patrol, and even the rare Supergirl crossover issue. Limiting my pack to 10 issues for Giffen is basically impossible. So I think I might have to go through his line twice to get a bunch of issues signed. I mean Great Darkness Saga! And my beloved 5YL! And I haven't even mention his Justice League run (with Kevin Maguire who also is attending).

While Giffen is the big draw, I am also excited to meet other writers attending. Steve Englehart is going to be there! I love his Batman and Mister Miracle stuff and he wrote a lot of Tigra in early West Coast Avengers!

Marty Pasko is going to be there. Pasko wrote some crucial Bronze Age Superman, the books that made me a fan of the Man of Steel. I can't wait to meet him!

Also Roy Thomas, Paul Kupperberg, Peter David, Marv Wolfman, Howard Chaykin, Kurt Busiek, and others are going to be there!

Seriously, just the writers have my backpack stuffed!

As for artists, my main commission hope is Brett Booth. Booth drew a number of the JLA issues during the James Robinson run when Supergirl was the League's Kryptonian muscle. I'll have to head to Booth's table early and keep my fingers crossed.

I also might try to get something from Norm Rapmund and/or Barry Kitson depending on timing. But check out the list. Jerry Ordway, Mike DeCarlo, Mike Zeck, Ron Lim, and others will be there! I have books for them too.

And then there are a ton of panels at the convention that I'll hope to attend. It might be hard to get to all of them.

Perhaps the one I *need* to get to is the Supergirl panel with Paul Kupperberg, Bob Greenberger, and Peter David. I actually want to moderate that panel but I don't think amateurs are allowed on the stage. I really hope that I am able to attend!

But there are panels about Star Wars comics, Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Bwa-Ha-Ha Justice League! I usually like to roam the floors but I might have to check out many of these. And do I dare ask Wolfman a COIE #7 question??

And as is the case in many comic cons these days, there are a bunch of celebrities in attendance. It takes someone special for me to wander into that area of the floor. But my daughter loves Jesse Quick on the Flash. So when I saw Violett Beane was going to be there, I knew an autograph for the youngest Supergirl was in the cards.

I know I am lucky that there are a bunch of cons near me to attend. And I am very excited to be heading to Terrificon this year!


  1. I wish you a lot of luck. Obviously it'll be a very busy convention.

    "Perhaps the one I *need* to get to is the Supergirl panel with Paul Kupperberg, Bob Greenberger, and Peter David. I actually want to moderate that panel but I don't think amateurs are allowed on the stage. I really hope that I am able to attend!"

    A panel dedicated to the evolution of Supergirl. Incredible. And Paul Kupperberg is one of panelists! Now, if only Sterling Gates was a panelist... then it'd be perfect.

    "And do I dare ask Wolfman a COIE #7 question??"

    'How do you dare to call Kara Zor-El a worthless character when you created Terry Long?'

    Just kidding (even though it's an excellent and perfectly valid question). I don't know what I'd ask myself because I don't want to be rude, but his... attitude irks me. He thought of killing Kara off for years, claiming she added nothing to the mythos and everyone agreed with his proposal. And then he either claimed there was no backlash because no one cared for her; or he admits there was "some" backlash but he tells he's sure 90% understood or agreed, or she had no fans prior her death. And at the same time disparaged Supergirl and her fans he claimed he missed her. Hah!

    Maybe I'd ask: 'When COIE #7 came out, you thought that story was the end of the character and she'd fade forever? Were you shocked when DC brought Kara Zor-El back and she started enjoying increased popularity and exposure?'

  2. You can safely forego Marv Wolfman, "he has nothing to declare but his bad intentions", the few times Supergirl has ever come up since COIE #7 he seems to take a delight in baiting Kara Fans, time however has vindicated us not him.
    Kupperberg is a nice old Gent that I met at a con last summer, he seems surprised and bemused by his "Supergirl Fame" but perfectly willing to discuss Kara with anyone. TDNAOS Volume 2 is out in Trade Paperback his autograph might look nice on the inside front page.

    As for Peter David, I'd love to get his opinion of the TV show.....and if I moderated a "Supergirl Panel" it'd likely end in fight fights, I'm a little inflexible about somethings as we all know.


  3. I've met Wolfman, Kupperberg, and ore at various cons. I've never asked Wolfman anything about the Crisis.

    Thrilled there is the panel. I'll report back extensively.

  4. Professor FeetlebaumJuly 21, 2017 at 2:15 AM

    "When COIE #7 came out, you thought that story was the end of the character and she'd fade forever? Were you shocked when DC brought Kara Zor-El back and she started enjoying increased popularity and exposure?"

    Actually, Wolfman sort of answered that question in The Krypton Companion, a book published by TwoMorrows Publishing in 2006. The book contains an interview with Wolfman by editor Michael Eury (I've taken out the first parts of Eury's question and Wolfman's answer, since they dealt with the Crisis):

    Eury: "...How do you feel about Kara's return in current DC continuity?"
    Wolfman:"...As for her return, I always assumed she would come back. The idea was to start the universe over. If Supergirl never existed, then a new one could be recreated. I'm surprised it took this long."

    Of course, this says nothing about Wolfman's feelings about the Supergirl character, negative or positive, just an understanding that what is etched in stone continuity wise one day, can be erased the next. But it does show that he expected DC to bring her back, someway, somehow.

  5. I wish we had good cons where I live. I am resorting to following the SDCC con since they have pretty good media coverage. Thank you for giving us a look into another one.

    Speaking of SDCC, have you seen that Joelle Jones Supergirl statue they displayed there? I love it. It feels like a nice mix of her history. Her face reminds me a bit of Smallville Kara, the hair gives a vintage vibe while he costume feels contemporary.

    Also guys, don't forget to pick up the free Snickers Supergirl Magazine at Comixology. It's a homage to the classic Fastest Man Alive comic, but with Kara and Jesse Quick. If you can laugh at the incredibly corny Snickers plugs instead of being annoyed, the art is really nice and I found it really charming overall. I'd rank it as one of the better Supergirl issues of the year.


  6. "Supergirl panel with Paul Kupperberg, Bob Greenberger, and Peter David. I actually want to moderate that panel but I don't think amateurs are allowed on the stage."

    If David's sense of humor is still intact, he'll probably moderate the panel himself. Exploring the evolution of SG should make for a lively discussion.


  7. Still prepping. Guessing another post will happen!
