Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Superman Batman Annual Preview Art

 This is relatively old news but last week Comic Book Resources posted the second part of an interview with Super-editor Eddie Berganza regarding the Reign of Doomsday storyline. Here is the link:

The whole article is very good, worth reading, and includes a discussion of continuing the story from Justice League #55 into Superman/Batman Annual #5. But this blurb stuck out.

CBR:In that sense, what is Superman's role at DC in 2011 once he's back full time? We see things from "Flashpoint" with Cyborg taking his place. Can the Man of Steel fit back into the big plans?
EB: Well, that's the big tease, isn't it? Don't worry. There'll be a point for it all to come together. We're not getting rid of the Kryptonians in "Flashpoint." And for Superman, when he comes back he's not a happy guy. Think of it this way: all your friends have been taken down and the guy that killed you is back. We're not making it easy on him moving forward.

I really hope that Superman reasserts himself as a major focus of the DCU. He has been sort of an afterthought for the last couple of years. I want him to be the center of the DCU.

But what really struck me in this piece was this preview 2 page splash by newcomer artist Michael Sepulveda. Man, this guy looks like he can bring it.

Here is the Supergirl portion blown up. I am definitely not a fan of the heeled boots. But the rest of it looks absolutely fantastic. My guess is the art here is going to be jaw-droppingly great. I can't wait to see it.


  1. I don't care either way about the high heels on the boots. The shorts under the skirt look terrible. Just return her to the original look.

  2. I actually kind of dig the skort, it certainly makes more sense then her flying around in her undies.

    I'm looking foward to Flashpoint. I assume it's mostly going to be just one big alternate timeline deal (The changes are too drastic otherwise) with some sort of 'Superboy Reality Punch' thrown in there to fix whatever continuity snarl they feel like fixing this year.

  3. Don't like the heels here, as well but I'm sure that Flashpoint will be an interesting read.-ealperin

  4. I love the shorts under her skirt. A young lady like Kara wouldn't want the whole world peaking up her dress every five seconds. I think it adds class to the costume.

  5. I've been pro-shorts since there inception.

    Sepulveda looks like a massive talent.

  6. Kara has always been a flat-heeled sort of heroine whether she wore a skirt, hot pants or tights. This I attribute to her being tall, slender and vaguely athletic.
    It was John Byrne who first put spike heels on Matrix Supergirl's boots which threw off balance a classic look IMHO.

    John Feer

  7. I like the overall composition of the picture. Very kinetic, full of detail, and really draws the eye in. The Dark Supergirl image is a bit strange, with the spike heels and pointed-toe leg kick it looks like she's trying out for the Rockettes. And it appears that she's back to a Powergirl type superstructure, so I guess I'll never get my wish that DC is consistent in how she's drawn.

    But the art looks fantastic.

  8. so I guess I'll never get my wish that DC is consistent in how she's drawn.

    I was so distracted by her high heel that I didn't even notice her Power Girl-esque attributes or her overly long hair.

    You would think that there would be some control over consistency. But I bet that DC gives the artists some leeway too.

  9. [i]"...Kara has always been a flat-heeled sort of heroine whether she wore a skirt, hot pants or tights. This I attribute to her being tall, slender and vaguely athletic.
    It was John Byrne who first put spike heels on Matrix Supergirl's boots which threw off balance a classic look IMHO.

    John Feer[/i]
    True... But I think-and this is a huge generalization here- most fans (me included) prefer a superheroine that doesn't have to wear heels to kick butt.

    I guess we're used to seeing tall superheroines (like Supergirl or Power Girl) who don't have to wear heels. I know I'm used to seeing it. ^_^ -ealperin

  10. Ignore the previous comment, folks! Didn't get to edit it. Here's the right version:

    "...Kara has always been a flat-heeled sort of heroine whether she wore a skirt, hot pants or tights. This I attribute to her being tall, slender and vaguely athletic.
    It was John Byrne who first put spike heels on Matrix Supergirl's boots which threw off balance a classic look IMHO.

    John Feer"

    Yep, that's true.

    Here's my issue about it though:

    I think-and this is a huge generalization here- most fans (me included) prefer a superheroine that doesn't have to wear heels to kick butt. (I don't know about the fanboys, though.)

    So what I'm trying to say here is that I guess we're used to seeing tall superheroines (like Supergirl or Power Girl) who don't have to wear heels to kick butt in the comics. I know I'm used to seeing it. ^_^ -ealperin

  11. Hope this time DOOMSDAY kills Superman for good...and Batman, Supergirl, Green Lantern, JLA, and all the DC crappy heroes & writers for making just cheapcrapcomics....just for fun....

    In real life he'd beat 'em all in 5 seconds....DOOMSDAY RULES!!!!
