Monday, March 21, 2011

Optimism ... I Promise

"See the forest for the trees."

It's an old saying that means seeing the big picture within the details.

And when it comes to Supergirl, I think I need to take a step back and see the big picture. Her comic is over 5 years old. The stories in her comic have been of high quality since Sterling Gates took over. James Peaty's issues have been slick and portray Supergirl in the right way. Fresh talent is coming to the book in a couple of months when Kelly Sue DeConnick assumes the job of writer. Art-wise we have been treated to Jamal Igle and Bernard Chang's great work. And ChrisCross is going to join DeConnick in June.

That is a good 'big picture'.

All of this is my way of apologizing for being such a glum Gus on this site for the last couple of months, looking at sales figures with a mix of concern and disdain, looking at new and strong creative teams coming on board as a sign of instability rather than thinking that such great creators have Supergirl stories to tell.

I mean I was so caught up in my pessimism that I didn't even welcome DeConnick and Cross to the book when I posted about it. That's not right.

And so I won't be holding any more funerals like the one on this great Neal Adams cover from Adventure Comics #383. Instead I will look for the bright side, see the forest, and be optimistic!

And ... again ... welcome aboard Kelly Sue DeConnick and ChrisCross! Can't wait to see what you have in store for Kara.


  1. Welcome indeed, Kelly Sue DeConnick and ChrisCross! BD

  2. I am really excited about this upcoming arc. Does anyone know if Kelly Sue DeConnick is the first female writer of a Supergirl story in the character's history? There could be a few others, but I'm just curious.


  3. I believe that she is the first female Supergirl writer, certainly no women had the honor to write the feature during the Silver-Bronze age. The closest we get to that is Dorothy Woolfolk (sp) briefly edited her first solo book, the ten issue run that collapsed and segued into the Superman Family.
    So yeah welcome Kelly Sue DeConnick, you is a groundbreaker...

    John Feer

  4. I wouldn't kick yourself so hard Anj. As you said before being an SG fan means you have that creeping fear that DC will choose to do away with her once more. It's part of what separates us from other fans I think.

    You have an excellent blog here, keep up the good work!

  5. Nice one, Anj ... and I've still not read that story (hint).

  6. Unless I'm mistaken, Diane Schultz is the first woman to write a Supergirl story. Anj reviewed it here:

    Kelly Sue DeConnick is still a groundbreaker however since she is the first woman to write a Supergirl story in her regular series.


  7. Thanks for the comments.

    Louise Simonson also wrote a solo Matrix Supergirl story in the Supergirl and Team Luthor one-shot. I reviewed that here:

    Thanks for the comments everyone!
    New Supergirl book this week!

  8. I'm thinking she's the first to write Supergirl in an ongoing Supergirl series (including her starring roles in Adventure and Superman family). Louise co-wrote a one shot and Solo wasn't even a full issue.

  9. Hi there. I'm new to commenting on this blog but Ive been around for the past year reading up on news here. It's been a great source for me for anything Supergirl related. I know this is not related to the topic at hand but I just wanted anyone out there to know that if anyone is in the Los Angeles California area or more accurately, the Studio City location by Universal Studios Hollywood. Bernard Chang will be at a comic store called DJ's Universal Comics for almost an entire week except Sunday March 27th 2011, drawing an entire issue of Supergirl. Presumably, he will be drawing his last issue in the current story arc which should be issue #64. For more information on this you can check out DJ's Universal Comics Facebook page here:

    I am not the store owner by the way nor do I work at the store. I'm just a friend of the store owner so I apologize if this looks like I'm soliciting on this blog. However, I thought that this would be a great opportunity for Supergirl fans in the area to check out. See you there!

  10. In regards to women writing Supergirl, let's not forget Sarah Dyer. She helped recreate the character for the 90's animated Superman and (as I recall) worked on the corresponding comic series.

  11. Thanks for reminding me about Sarah Dyer who wrote a couple of Supergirl's adventures in Superman Adventures, most notably the famous Superman Adventures #21 'Last Daughter of Argo' which sports a great Bruce Timm Supergirl cover.
